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BILL NO. 07-19 <br />Don Fozo, St. Joseph County Building Commissioner reported a 5-0 unanimous vote of the Board <br />of Zoning Appeals to send a favorable recommendation to Council. <br />Bill Schalliol rose to voice support of the Redevelopment Department for the special exception <br />request. <br />Richard Meece, Vice-President Northern Electric, owner of the property rose to detail the needs <br />and advantages of the requested change. He noted that Northern Electric had purchased the <br />derelict house intending to invest considerable dollars in its rehabilitation so it could serve as off- <br />campus housing for Notre Dame Students. By doing this they would remove an eyesore and <br />source of past nefarious doings. This would provide neighborhood residential investment where <br />there was none, enhancing the market value and esthetics of the surrounding area. <br />Councilmember Puzzello voiced opposition to the rezoning stating she was opposed to any more <br />student housing in her district. She described student housing as a source of trouble, difficult to <br />police, an annoyance to neighbors, and a blight on neighborhoods. <br />Martha Lewis, 308 Frances echoed the negative view of student housing adding students were a <br />probable source of vandalism. <br />Bob Miller, Sr. rose to support the petition. He stated, as an owner of adjacent city lots for over <br />70 years he has witnessed decades of residential disinvestment resulting in deteriorated rental <br />housing and non-marketable vacant lots. He applauded the recent significant financial <br />commitment of Northern Electric to the neighborhood as evidenced by their multi-million dollar <br />investment in their facility and efforts to improve surrounding property. As far as monitoring <br />student renter conduct, he felt a strongly written lease, the city ordinances, and the oversight of <br />both Notre Dame and nearby neighborhood organizations should be enough to ameliorate fears <br />of disruptive rentals. <br />President Rouse suggested Northern Electric should be seen as a quality landlord worthy of trust <br />based on their track record of positive commitment to the City. <br />Councilmember Pfeifer asked if Northern Electric had solicited the opinion of the neighborhood <br />organization. <br />Councilmember White voiced support for that notion. <br />Mr. Meece agreed to try. <br />With that agreement, Councilmember Pfeifer made a motion to continue this bill until the next <br />meeting of the South Bend Common Council, March 12, 2007. Councilmember Kuspa seconded <br />the motion which carried. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member Dieter <br />adjourned the meeting. <br />Respectfully submitted, ~, <br />Ervin Kuspa, Vice-Chairperson <br />Zoning & Annexation Committee <br />