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PARC Committee <br />20116 South Bend Common Council <br />The November 27, 2006 meeting of the PARC Committee of the South Bend Common <br />Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Derek D. Dieter at 5:00 <br />p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Kelly, Varner, Kuspa, Kirsits, <br />Rouse, Dieter, White and Puzzello; PARC Citizen Member Charles Shock, Mayor <br />Stephen J. Luecke, Citizen Member Martha Lewis, City Clerk John Voorde, City <br />Controller M. Catherine Fanello, Community and Economic Development Director <br />Sharon Kendall, Rick Walls, Attorney Richard Nussbaum, Jamie Loo of the South Bend <br />Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member Dieter noted that the Committee consisted of Council Members Kuspa, <br />Puzello, Kirsits and himself and that Charles A. Shock serves as the Citizen Member. <br />Bill No. 84-06 Changing the Name of Fund 3l7 from "Hall of Fame" to <br />"Professions! Sports Development Fund" and Transfer and Appropriations, <br />Requests: <br />Council Member Dieter called for a formal presentation on Bill No. 84-06. <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fanello made the formal presentation. She noted that <br />$500,000 far capital improvements would be appropriated later and that $100,000 would <br />be going to the Century Center for capital improvements. She recommended that the <br />requested name change of Fund 377 would more accurately represent the PSDF <br />dollars which fund this account. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Ms. Fanello noted that details of the <br />requested capital requests would be detailed. <br />Following discussion, Council Member Kirsits made a motion, seconded by Council <br />Member Kuspa that Bill No. 84-06 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed. <br />Bill No. ©6-131 Resolution Endorsin the 2d Interim A reement Hall of Fame <br />Council Member Dieter called for a formal presentation on Bill No. 06-131. <br />Mayor Luecke noted that there have been a several meetings where the Hall of Fame <br />was discussed. He apologized to the Council for not including them more fully. He <br />stated that the Council has the opportunity now to vote and send a positive message. <br />Only the NFF Administrative Offices would be moving to Dallas. He hoped that the <br />Council would endorse the 2d Interim Agreement by favorably. <br />