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Charlotte Pfeifer again expressed a disdain for an annual process that is not productive. <br />Varner said South Bend actually pays for the "Play it Smart" program. He said the city <br />pays the operational costs and capital expenses afthe Hall. Further, he said the NFF has <br />shown little inclination to help, is enjoying a "free ride," and will not came to the table <br />unless forced to do so. Dieter complimented President Rouse for his efforts to persuade <br />the NFF to sponsor "Play it Smart"; but said it was not effective the way it is <br />administered. He said he would provide facts later. <br />Erv Kuspa expressed frustration with the incomplete financial data for the Hall of Fame <br />provided far Council review each year. He also wondered if all colleges had a stake in <br />the success at the Hall of Fame. <br />Ann. Puzzello recounted that the whale idea of how the Hall of Fame was to be funded <br />that was portrayed in 1995. She is disappointed with the way finances have played nut <br />since. <br />Tim Rouse pointed to an apparent consensus for more dialogue. He asked is there was <br />agreement on funding for '07 with a mandate for change. <br />Varner stated the Council need not by law approve dollars for the Hall of Fame until 12- <br />31-06. He felt the Council not the Joint Commit#ee should approve expenditures on a <br />case by case basis not a 1.1 million dollar blind appropriation. <br />Charlotte recognized the Mayor to speak. <br />Mayor Luecke began by allaying fears that dollars were missing at DTSB. He said all <br />funds were accounted for. He then refuted Varner's "cost to the city figures," challenging <br />the source and amount of dollars on the chart and graph. He pointed out that by law the <br />Hotel-Motel Tax Board is responsible for appropriating Hotel Motel tax monies not the <br />City Council. Further mare he said the Professional Sports Development fund (377) was <br />under the purview of the Council. Turning to Dieter he asked if Dieter said that "Play it <br />Smart" program was of no value. Dieter said as it was presently administered the answer <br />was yes. <br />The Mayor then cited ways in which the NFF has raised funds far the Hall of Fame <br />Namely the new donated gridiron turf valued at $150,000 + ,the speakers luncheon, and <br />the 1 S story condo wanting to locate adjacent to the Hall of Fame. He then pointed out <br />the Hotel-Motel Tax, the Professional Sports Development Fund, and the capital reserve <br />fund were all good business, not based upon local taxpayer support. The Mayor said the <br />Hall of Fame should be viewed as a landlord {City), tenant {NFF} relationship. The city <br />owns the building and is responsible far its upkeep. The Mayor then referred to the <br />Fanello (Controller's) chart detailing accurate levels of dollar support. <br />