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Health and Public Safety Committee Meeting of September 27, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />Notre Dame Student Body President Lizzi Shappell of 1864 Irish Way noted that <br />she and Josh met with Council Member White approximately a month ago to <br />discuss their concerns. She requested that the Council consider removing ¶ (f), <br />noting that she and the other student leaders do not condone illegal behavior. <br />The students "da not believe that the punishment meets the crime". They wish to <br />continue to improve relationships between Notre Dame and the City of South <br />Bend. <br />Captain Wanda Shock stated that the ordinance ensures a basic standard of <br />behavior which is directly related to quality of life issues. Peace, safety and <br />comfort are the very heart of the ordinance. The City is not targeting students; <br />and many many meetings have taken place. There is a difference between a <br />small party which is under control and a party which has over 3QQ students which <br />affects the neighborhood. She has talked with many students and many <br />landlords. The ordinance is a necessary tool, especially when "individuals are <br />acting outrageously". <br />The Assistant City Attorney noted that ¶ (f) was added at the request of the <br />landlords, and some Council Members so that landlords would have a defense. <br />The Legal Department's protocol is not to file a lawsuit unless there is a repeat <br />violation. ¶ (e) permits the Court to take notice of behavior which is modified and <br />would be able to take such action into consideration. <br />Captain Shock then summarized an incident involving a Notre Dame student who <br />had passed out in the lobby afi the Marriot in downtown South Bend last <br />Saturday. The student had been at a party in the 8QD block of East Washington. <br />She noted that he would have had to cross a bridge aver the St. Joseph River, <br />and obviously had fallen multiple times based on his physical condition. She <br />later talked with residents on East Washington and believes that students must <br />work with each other in light of the many dangers involved with such behavior. <br />She stressed that such problems must be addressed before a student dies. <br />Council Member Puzzello noted that she worked last year on this ordinance and <br />attended the University's Council Meeting with the Assistant City Attorney. She <br />stated that she is very concerned with the quality of life issues and represents the <br />area just south and east of the University. She stated that "she has never met a <br />sober student she did not like"; however she sees drunk students as being <br />belligerent and difficult to deal with, which cause many residents to be fearful of <br />them. She added that she read a recent article in the Observer which quoted a <br />student who lives on St. Peter Street. The student was quoted as saying that <br />"parties go on mast nights, and many have kegs". She is especially in favor of <br />the ordinance and out-of-control parties bring about bad situations. She stated <br />