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September 25, 2006 Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Couneil <br />Page 3 <br />Council President Rouse noted that in several Editorial Opinions which have been run in <br />the South Bend Tribune the editorial staff have voiced concern about the effects such <br />things as the closing of the greenhouses and conservatories would have on the South <br />Bend community. President Rouse inquired whether the Schurz officials ever weighed <br />and considered the effect of closing WSBT would have on the South Bend community. <br />Mr. Ray stated that there would be no difference with regard to news coverage. <br />President Rouse stressed that the "SB" in "WSBT" is significant and the announced <br />move of the WSBT operations has already had an effect on the citizens of our <br />community, as well as the community itself. He noted that he sees this as a moral <br />perspective which does impact the citizens. <br />Ms. Burdick stated that it would have been "easier to stay in South Bend"; and that they <br />tried for ten (10) years to make it work. They tried to mitigate the downside by donating <br />the building to WNIT, and believe that "they have been a pretty good corporate citizen". <br />Council President Rouse stated that he was recently with Mary Pruess of WNIT and she <br />is excited to be coming to South Bend. <br />Council Member Kelly stated that he was at the WSBT building from the very beginning <br />and is sorry to see this operation leaving. He wished them good luck and complimented <br />them on their 10 pm news cast. <br />Mr. Ray stated that the Schurz Board of Trustees made a business decision. He stated <br />that every time they came to see the city, they met and talked and information was <br />provided. He stated that "we are part of the community, are locally owned and <br />committed to South Bend and the economic development of St. Joseph County". <br />Mayor Luecke stated that the city worked very hard to meet their needs, noting that both <br />tax abatement and TIF were discussed. They talked about creative options and <br />ultimately the design and the timeliness of making the transaction work were the <br />determining factors. The Mayor expressed appreciation of the efforts to have WMT <br />locate in the downtown. <br />Council Member Puzzello stated that she did not recall that the Tribune had difficulty <br />with the South Bend Common Council when they petitioned for tax abatement <br />consideration. <br />Mr. Ray noted that the difficulty was not with the Council, but rather with Kelly Havens <br />and members of the public. <br />