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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting <br />2(1(16 South Bend Common Council <br />The September 11, 2006 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee of <br />the South Bend Common Council was called to order by Chairperson, Council <br />Member Ervin Kuspa, at 3:15 p,m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Varner, Kuspa, White, <br />Rouse, Kelly, and Puzzello; Citizen Member Ed Talley, Community and <br />Economic Development Executive Director Sharon Kendall, Crystal McCain, <br />Martha Lewis, City Clerk John Voorde, Tom Skarbek, Bernie Feeney, Derek <br />Spier, Robert Nemeth, Martin Wolfson, Catherine Hostetler, Mike Danch, <br />Building Commissioner Don Fazo, Mrs. Kapola, Beth Leonard, Jamie Loo of the <br />South Bend Tribune, and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member Kuspa noted that the Committee Members consist of Council <br />Members Kirsits, Dieter and White, and Citizen Member Ed Talley. He stated <br />that those who wish to be recognized should state their name and address far <br />the record. <br />Substitute Bill No. 4©-06 Rezoning south of 1424 Slater prive. <br />Council Member Kuspa called for a report from the Area Plan Staff on Substitute <br />Bill Na. 40-06 which would amend the zoning for the property located 273 feet to <br />the south of 1424 Slater Drive, which is located in the 6t~ Councilmanic District. <br />Robert Nemeth of the Area Plan staff reported that the Area Plan Commission <br />held a public hearing on the proposed substitute bill and sends it to the Council <br />with a favorable recommendation. <br />Derek Spier of Abonmarche Consultants, LLC located at 750 Lincoln Way East in <br />downtown South Bend made the formal presentation. He provided a map {copy <br />attached) depicting the Lafayette Falls development, with the specific request <br />being for Section # 4. He noted that their request would change the zoning from <br />SF-1 Single-Family and two family to SF-2 single family and two family. Weiss <br />will be the sole builder and will construct homes with front porches and rear <br />garages ranging in price from $175,000 to $225,000. There would be hard- <br />surfaced alleys in this phase behind the homes with two {2) northlsouth alleys <br />being proposed. <br />Council Member White made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Talley that <br />Substitute Bill No. 40-Ofi be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed. <br />