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Joint Meeting of the Utilities Committee and the <br />Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />20Q6 South Bend Common Council <br />The August 14, 2006 joint meeting of the Utilities Committee and the Public <br />Works and Property Vacation Committee of the South Bend Common Council <br />was called to order by Dr. Varner, Chairperson of the Public Works and Property <br />Vacation Committee and Council Member Kirsits, Utilities Committee <br />Chairperson at 3:46 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, White, Pfeifer, Kelly, <br />Varner, Kuspa, Kirsits, Rouse and Puzzello; Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, City <br />Attorney Charles Leone, City Controller M. Catherine Fanello, Director of <br />Environmental Services Jack Dillon, University of Notre Dame Utilities Director <br />Paul Kempf, City Clerk Jahn Voorde, Sharon Kendall, Executive Director of the <br />Department of Community and Economic Development, Jamie Loo of the South <br />Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />It was noted that the members of the Utilities Committee include Council <br />Members Kirsits, Kuspa, Puzzello and Pfeifer; and Citizen Member Gene Pendl; <br />and that the members of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />include Council Members Varner, Pfeifer, Dieter, Puzzello and Citizen Member <br />Kurt Youngs. <br />Bill No. 19-Ofi: <br />The Joint Committee meeting was called to continue discussions on Blll No. 19- <br />06 which would amend Chapter 17, Article 2, Division 5, Section 17-29 of the <br />Soufh Bend Municipal Code addressing authorization to enter into special rate <br />contracts for sewer service. <br />Dr. Varner, one of the sponsors of the Bill along with Council Member Kirsits <br />stated that he believes that Mr. Leone's suggested substitute version of the <br />ordinance would loosen the criteria too much and would open the doors in this <br />area. He prefers a dollar for dollar exchange which would be justified by the <br />customer seeking the special rate contract. Dr. Varner concluded his remarks be <br />stating that he preferred the "KirsitslVarner" substitute bill dated July 24t" <br />Council Member Kirsits stated that he agrees with the comments made by Dr. <br />Varner on the "short version" of Substitute Bill No. 19-06. He stated that Gary <br />Gilot and the University of Notre Dame have done "a great job". He believes that <br />the Common Council should play a needed oversight role, as proposed in the <br />"short version". <br />