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Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />20Ufi South Bend Common Council <br />The June 26, 2006 joint meeting of the Public Works and Property Vacation <br />Committee of the South Bend Common Council was called to order by its <br />Chairperson, Council Member David Varner at x:10 p.m. in the Council's <br />Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Counei[ Members Pfeifer, Varner, Kuspa, Kirsits, <br />Rouse and White; Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, Public Works Director Gary Gilat, <br />City Attorney Charles Leone, Citizen Member Martin Wolfson, Citizen Member <br />Gene Pendl, Community and Economic Development Executive Director Sharon <br />Kendall, City Clerk John Voorde, Mrs. Kvpola, Don Inks, City Controller M. <br />Catherine Fanello, Jamie Loo of the South Bernd Tribune, and Kathleen <br />Cekanski-1=arrand, Council Attorney. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the Committee consists of Council Members Pfeifer, Dieter, <br />Puzzello, Citizen Member Kurt Youngs, and himself as Chairperson. He further <br />noted that a quorum of the Committee was not present and therefore <br />presentations would be for informational purposes only. <br />Bill No. 37-06: <br />Don inks of Economic Development made the presentation. He noted that the <br />Bill would approve an appropriation of $51,700 from Fund 601 Parking Garage <br />Fund to cover the costs of replacing fans from the basement of the Leighton <br />Garage; repairing areas which were damaged from an accident; and would <br />provide funds for a contract to have a design study conducted on a sensor <br />system to activate fan usage and thereby reducing utility costs. <br />Council Member Pfeifer inquired about how the city found out about the carbon <br />dioxide problems in the Leighton Garage. <br />Mr. Inks stated that they monitor all garages and it was detected. <br />Dr. Varner inquired as to whether the parking garage replace of fans issue was <br />addressed as an emergency by the Board of Public Works. <br />Mr. Inks stated that he does not believe it was, but perhaps the Redevelopment <br />Commission was involved. He stated he would check and report back an this <br />issue. <br />Dr. Varner noted that since there was oat quorum, no official action would be <br />fiaken. <br />