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Community and Economic DeveEopment Committee <br />June 26, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />$340,00, while maintaining 140 jobs and four (4) PT jobs with a current annuai <br />payroll of $3.7 miilion <br />In response to a question by Mr. Wolfson, Nick Witwer of Community and <br />Economic Development stated that MetroNet will service the area with an <br />extension. The cost of the extension is $381,000 and will be paid from Airport <br />TII=. <br />Don Inks stated that this expansion is part of along-term expansion plan. <br />In response to questions from Mr. Wolfson, Mr. Panzica stated that they <br />reviewed twenty-four (24) site locations before selecting the Cleveland Road <br />location. His company has been in the architecturallconstruction industry for 51 <br />years and believes that based on his experience 65-75% of the jobs would utilize <br />union trades. <br />Mr. Inks stated that they look at the contracts used in the past and the quality of <br />the contractors and determined that the paint allocation given was correct. <br />Because of the uncertainty of wages they received 1 point less {8 of (9} as a <br />result of this uncertainty. <br />Mr. Wolfson voiced concern over the general ordinance provisions and hoped <br />that the goals, objectives and purposes of the tax abatement ordinance would <br />again be discussed. <br />Council President Rouse stated that he appreciated the comments made, <br />however based on the current ordinance criteria, the petitioner appears to meet <br />the standards. <br />1=ollowing discussion, Council Member Kirsits made a motion, seconded by Mr. <br />Wolfson that Bili No. OB-62 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed. <br />Council Member Kirsits then made a motion, seconded by Mr. Wolfson that Bill <br />No. 06-63 be recommended favorably to Council The motion passed. <br />Bilf No. 46-64: <br />Council Member Kuspa then called for a presentation an Bill No. 06-64 which is a <br />five (5) year residential tax abatement requested by Austin J. Hickey for 6140 <br />Bridgeton Lane. <br />