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PARKS, RECREATION, CULTURAL ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT (PARC1 <br />COMMITTEE <br />The May 22, 2006 meeting of the Parks, Arts Recreation and Culture (PARC) Committee <br />was called to order by its Chairperson, Councilmember Derek D. Dieter at 4:20 p.m. in <br />the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Councilmember Dieter, Puzzello, Kirsits and Citizen <br />Member Charles A. Shock. <br />Calle~e Football Hall of Faaixae Update: <br />Update on College Football Hall of Fame from Rick Walls, Executive Director. Rick <br />emphasized the cost cutting and revenue enhancing activities at the Hall of Fame. He <br />said the contract with the city was near finalization, the stumbling point being services <br />covered by Century Center. He said the 15c quarter financials would be ready by the end <br />of the week. Dieter referenced a "USA Today" article describing the NFF sponsored <br />"Play it Srnart" program emphasizing academic success as well as sports for high school <br />age youth at selected spots around the country. Funding an expanded program is the <br />challenge. Dieter, Rouse, Varner and Pfeifer expressed a strong desire (mandate) to <br />make available the program to all South Bend High Schools, not simply Clay as is now <br />the case. Rick Walls pramised to convey that message to the NFF and Mayor. <br />Councilmember Dieter then adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />r. <br />.. <br />,~ <br />\~ <br />Councilmember Derek D. Dieter, Chairperson <br />Parks, Arts, Recreation and Culture (PARC) Committee <br />N/mbw <br />