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Kip Wellen -Feels the issue should be based on the definition of a discriminated class. <br />There are 3 parts to the definition. First, is the discrimination widespread. Have the <br />purported victims been put at economic disadvantage and finally, are there immutable <br />characteristics in homosexuality. He says no is the correct answer to all three questions. <br />Justine Blake - provided a handout. <br />Bill Stroud - He testified to the lack of discrimination in the real estate business. <br />Earl Bratrix _ He said in all the history of mankind homosexuality has never been <br />considered right or acceptable. <br />Sneakins in Favor <br />Catherine Pittman wants to focus on the central issues of the debate. That is, not the way <br />or how of homosexuality but simply, is there discrimination. She claim's handouts more <br />than establish the reality of discrimination against GLBT's. Moreover, it is widespread <br />and long standing. She asks the HRC be given the chance to investigate GLBT <br />discrimination. Finally, she holds that no "special rights" are granted for a group; but <br />expands basic rights guaranteed to all. <br />Scott Keller -~ A councilman from Indianapolis where a similar bill was passed says a <br />halt of professional groups (APA, AMA, NEA, AAP) all consider being gay to be innate, <br />not behavioral, but genetic and or biological. With an estimated S% of the population <br />being "gay", this bill should be seen as a preventive measure. <br />Marcus Harris -teacher SBCSC says he is an admitted homo who is unprotected in the <br />face of discrimination. <br />Bobby Lopez -~ stated that he is 17 years old and a High School Student who faces <br />discrimination from both students and administrators daily far being a homo and has no <br />recourse. <br />Angela Gilleto -stated that smart, talented, people contributing greatly to society and the <br />economy will leave the South Bend Area if equality is not assured. <br />Nancy Mascott -has gay son. She challenges misconceptions of gay lifestyle. She says <br />the opposition's judgment is clouded by prejudice. This amendment protects GLBT's not <br />promotes them. <br />