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``~Ia}rr~art Discount" ~rahic~h r~;s~tlted itt a &ar~e oe.€tcry. lie noted that past City ,4d~~inistrations <br />aid laast Cou~~c.ils ~F~ay not l~avc ~~el~t rates ~}~ to deal with needed ~p~rades. <br />C c~~~~~cil. Nle,~~l~er t~irsits stated. that he i7clieves it is in-tportant to the Council to have oversi~l~t <br />on tl~e l~i~s users. A i~io-diesel co:~pany n1a}~ co:4~~e ota line i~~ tl~e f~ctari:, o~- another etha~~ol <br />}ant nay come on line, and the Cors~~r~on ~ `,<sur~cil shot~id be hart o~.: that process. <br />Council l~e~ner ~icte~~ a~,rced that: the Counc.ii shoriid ha~je the Final vote ors special contrz~c;ts <br />current and future,, a~~d that better and ~norc; pc~l"lic process .needs to he i~~sple~ented. <br />Cott~~a;il Nflen~ber Pfeifer stated. that as tax dollars ~l~rink and. expe~~ses ~Frow that tine C~'ity t~~c~st <br />p~€y ~~ZOre attention to ~,~vl~ere city dollars are hei~~~ spent. <br />Cou~lcil president house noted that he telieves that the Couc~cil shop€ld ~~e part of the }.process; <br />after challerr~ing the presen.ters as to v<~hy their believe the process should: tie ehan~ed. <br />Council 1"~teEnber i~.elly stated tl~ai ~,peeial rates or a~~y other types of rates should Dave pu~~lic <br />ci.i.scussi€~n, notificat€on to the Council anal fi~,a:} C-oc~€-~cil approval. He stated. that "ghat ?s oar <br />Jobe <br />~"wouncil Me~.xak~er 1'u.rae}lo stated that tc~z~ a6aten~ent ret}c~ests are ha~~dled pu~~licly; and that she <br />believes that it ~v~uld only be right to l}e aware o~ special rate rec~€~ests and vote pu~liciy <br />them. <br />Cou~~cil. l•/le~~ber ~l'aite stated. that food t?usiness practices ~vouid keep the CJo~x~rnot~ Council in <br />tl;e loon. ~herfl cc~rnpanies ask 1'or spc~:,ia.l rates, i~~i-or~~~atio~ shc~~lid l~~v shared so that she <br />Ccauncil ca~~ respond tc~ such rec}c~ests. <br />l~r. Var~7er stated that an an~~ual revie.~v ~~~ay lie hest and. t1~at t}~e Cc~t~neil ~t~ay want to make the <br />ordinance retroactive;, si~~ce the [J1~iversity of l~~tre I~a~~e s}~t'cial rate contract is o~rtly three (3} <br />t~or~ths old. `l'he Council sl~ouid tie sent tl~e supporting data- supplied with their request. <br />In response to a q~.Eestion from l~r. ~Iarner, i~ir. pilot stated that Ncitre Da~~e is y3etting a 15"/t <br />credit i-roi~ tine Z~"`o rats; increase. <br />Cot~ncit Nten~her l~irsits stated that a special coi~~~~~ittee t~~eeting a~~ay have to be called <br />l~l7.~~s. l~opola stated that she has re;~eaested information in the past and ti~at. Cou~~cil Nie~rst~er <br />~irsits did provide it tc3 leer. the; stated that the proposal in th.e ordinance her °`ticlclc:d <br />pink" and that it is tike laving "Christmas in April". <br />hurt Youngs stated that iae laelic~ves €he l~rc~posed ordina.+~cc: ~,vorXld. be a good rvay to <br />syste~~~atica]ly reviev~r rvltere tl~e city finances aa-e fir illtTa. str~~et~.are steeds .in the short and lor~;~ <br />ter~ne <br />l~r. Varner and Council N1L~~ber ~irsits stated that they apprc;ciate the efforts of NIr. Gilot in this <br />area, lout believe that tl~e process could he i~t~proved. <br />~~~tril 2~I, ?t!{?G L?tilil:ie Co».1~ttittee r,I Elte 2~G tiouih isi'nt~ t:i~ittnzuEt Ccx,itw4l -4`e,ge 2 t~P 3 - <br />