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C®u~C~! Rules CQ~mitt~~ <br />2006 South ;3e~~d C~otiut~c~r.~ t~otm~7~ <br />The A~~ri1 2.4, 2406 t?~eeting of the Ca~~nci`t Rues ~a~nt~ittee eras called to order ~,y its <br />".l-rair~ersot~, ~©utlcil President `i,it~lat~y A. .©use at 4:3~ P.~~-~. its tt~e ~a~~rtci9 I~fart~a~ fVeetit~~ <br />Rt~on-t. <br />Persons in attendance incltt.ded ~ortracil I~Iet-nhers deter, Pfeifer, C~ell.y, Puzzella, ~Iarner, <br />Kuspa, Rouse, t~i.rsits and V~Ihite; Rita. I~opala, Ian~ie l;oa of the ,~c~~~~% 13e~~i~ 7~~°i~z~r~c~ a.nd <br />~.'o~tncil Attar~~ey Kathleen ~'elCat~s~i-Farrand. <br />~`at~ncil President l2ause Hated that dill l~t~. ~~-U6 r~hich -proposes praxy pracecltares far the <br />~c~ttncil tivas the only abenda i.tetxt. He noted tl~~t lie ~~ottld life t€.~is dill to tie tai"Sleci indeiit~itely <br />to peri~~t additi€~ttal work ata the ~-~ral~ased regulatian~:. <br />The ~auncil Attartae}- noted that sht; has had additional d_isc:ussiarts ~~ith ~:~~rtncil President <br />Rouse, sins.e the last C~attrscil RttleS ~'an~rnittee. der research is fc~cusirtg an hc~th the praeed~tral <br />~:c~~~cer~~s raised as ~~ell as t~~€e types c?i't~~cht~c~logy ~~1licit cor~ld e utilized as part s~f the pxc?cess. <br />fir, ~art~er made a n~atian, seconded l~v ~at~rtcil Presid+~ni I~c?t~se that Bill lea. ?4-76 ~e <br />recot~r?~et~d.ed to lie tabled itacleflnitefy at th.e recl~test oftlae Peitir~tac~r. 'The t-notian passed. <br />'There being tea further husittess to cc>rne E~efore the Contn~ittee, C:attncil P~°esident Rouse <br />adjourned the t-neeti~tg at ~:~Q p-tom. <br />Respectfully stitht~ fitted, <br />r--~ ~~ ~: <br />i <br />Ca~tncit Presi e it~iathy A, Rouse <br />Sat.tth lend C`ot~~~tort ~att~~cil <br />,+\~~ri) 2~. ?605 Council 1ttt3cs C onvmiEtee -1?age I oi' 1- <br />