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t . ~ror€t a?~d. side-yarn parking ira cooperation avith the ~r~ni~~g ~'z fyt€r~exati€~s€ ~:~.~~~.t~ittee <br />~. Pahlie safety iss€€es€~~~ y~~~tl~ €~f oa€?° ~:.o~~n€€~.i.ty in coop~rat.ion avitl~ the So~~tt~ <br />l3e;nd Cc€€nmur~ity Sch~gol C`~~rporntir~n <br />~~. t'ui~iic, safet~~ isstr~:s related to vacant homes <br />~. ~.~otYI1~1.Linlty ViC3le~LC~ ail g~~3er~.l <br />C~~€.€neil .Me~rti~er i~iete€- agreed that contir~aiec~ discussioa~s and action p:iaris €r~€.€st ire i~acie. :fie <br />noted that avitl~ a~~ar~~~ aveatl~er eo€~1ing that there already is an increase of rids avith dangerous <br />dogs; gangs, etc. ar~d Doped that thy; Cit}r Attorn~;y's C3fi~c;e; Code lrynforce€~nent a~~d the Police <br />~et~art~nent avould 1€e pres-active with ti€eir s€t{,~gestions i~~ working avith the Cou~~cil.. <br />C'o€.€aZCil Me~~nber Whatc stated ti~at we r~ee~l tine for a.31 €~~ these iss€€es and that tl~ev cc€~.~ld ire <br />addressed thro~~gh ti€e health and Priblic Safety Coi~tnittee ~€r thro€ the ~'€€€r.Fnittee of ti€e <br />t~Vhole;. <br />Connell President RoE€se stated- that iii ~;itl~er case, ~'ouncil I~!lerr!1~er White would. l-~e chairi~~g the <br />~~eetings ai~ci discussions si€~ce she chairs moth cc~n~€-nittees. <br />Council lVle€nl~er White s€~.ggested everyone tc~ email her with. additional. tt~pics ar€d proposed <br />strategies to address the safety topics. <br />fir. Varner apologized ik~r €x~issing the nei~borhood I?l.€znge, l~~€t he is well aava~~e of tlae <br />prahlc~€ns and especially the pui~lic safet~r issuLS. l-ie ahrill do whatever is ~€e€;essa~~%. <br />Co€~t€ciI Merr€her deter announced that to~~ight at l() pin (here will ire a "I31~€e l.,ight Escort" <br />'fro€~ the old `t'ai°get lot on M.c~inley to tl-~e So€~tl~ Bend Police depart€~~ent ire n~€en~o€y of <br />Corporal Scott l,ee Severns. <br />~'he ~'or~r~cil :LLttorney suggested. that: the C-o~~ncil €nay wish tc~ s;onsider s~~spe:E~ding the rules so <br />that a special co€~€ne-~€orative resolution co€.€1d ire adopted tizr Corporal Severns. <br />Council President l~o~~:se stated that he agreed. and authorised the Council Attor~~ey to dra:~t such <br />a resol€€tion. <br />1'€€i~l.ic Works director £~arv ~~itot noted that he, the Cr~Ea.nty Engineer and the Mishawaka city <br />l;r€ginee.r have 1€eer~ asked to present infont~ation tt~ tl~e County Co€€ncil of their projections €~f <br />public works dollars and projects [or tl~e ~aext ten (1~1 years. <br />in resporas~; to a question fro€~ l~€°. Varner, Mr. ~ila~t stated that the inforn~atio€€ wt~uld ire <br />€€pdated from that provided to MI~C;~CI. <br />Mr. pilot stated. that he would pravidc~ this ir€forn~ation also to tl~e Coi~~n~on Co€€t~cil. <br />Council Me€ni~cr White thanked evcryon.e for their inforrnagion, and then adjortrned the <br />Co€n€~nittee meeting at ~:~~ p.3~n. <br />1~~71 ?~1, ~i~~iC, 7Ict~3th. si~d 4?ii~l~c 5;~tlch~ Ci~mn~ilECe oi~t'hc ZOtlb Sni.iil'~ T;~i~d i'~~irE3~2i>n C«iu~cil -la~~c ~ oi' ? - <br />