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dab 1-lask~;liff at Granter sc€ttested that tl~e Co~zr~cil visit the ctperati®r~s. 1-1e stated that there are <br />~nan~j ru~rrc~rs aut there i~~cludir~t that the~~ take; i~~ ::9C~~'~~ stolen property" whioh he stated is r~c~t <br />true. ~e stated any f~r~~ts wo~.tld ire forged a~ad t1~at fake ll.'s Svc}raid t7e used, and perhaps tP~~e <br />persons would to elsewhere. <br />Melinda ll~:orris noted that she has talked with various city oF~ciais and knows there are <br />prohle~~s for fire police in this area.. the sugtested psa~iishi~ag the ti~ieves and ~~€~t the dealers. <br />Cv~:artha Ler~~is sugtested that the Council lVle~r~l~ers sh®r~id watch the process. She ~~oted that <br />`:scrapers are the poorest cif the pacer". <br />Council l~ieax~ber I'fei.l:er ~-eciuested t;larificatio~~ cif ~ transfer station. <br />I~lrs. Norris stated that they charge persons tc~ tafCe their items with ~r~ost of theia- 1~~.~siness <br />cc~l~~i~7g t'€~t~~~~ oo~~structic~n co~~pani~s. It is ti~e~~a transferred. <br />in response to a clue.stion fro~-n Council NNIen~E~er 1 tt~zeilc>, it was nc}fed t7at trar~sier stati€~ns sa~r~: <br />~r~uci~ ~rtaterial from <br />C csux~.cil ~len~l~e~° Deily stated that ?~~etal thefts are a serio€zs prok~ler~~ anal that they sl~or-id he <br />addressed. 1-1e does net want to put people out. of l~itsiness, however, and if sa~~e adjust~t~e~~ts <br />can lie ra~ade, he tivould support them. ~-here is a seri~~us need fcrr the police to have i~etter tools <br />for enforcement i~~ light of this t~rowi~~t prc~t-rlc;~~. <br />Council Ivle~r~l~er I3ieter noted that at the l~larch ?7th. Co~t~rr~ittee t~~eeting, I~IIr. Mirkin stated. that <br />they were themselves the viLti~l~s o3`ma~~y thefts. 1-le stand that he has reviewed the theft reports <br />fro~~~ .la~a.uary ?{10 ~ to the present and could lcacatc; o~~e 1~ttrgl.ary report far their operat~or~. <br />I-ic then prase~~ted a ~~~uiti-pane l~ai~dout addressil~t a cc~l~victia~~ of ~turl;is irti~r~ & IVietal (ac~py <br />attac;l~ed j. <br />Mr. Levin stated that the theft reported was fro~1~ ate ex-employee, aid he again stated that they <br />are the victims of thi:ft, w:tbich was else stressed by Mr. Mirkii~. <br />Council I~errtl~er Dieter again noted that that h~,~siness has vel~icies with wront vel~ticle n~~n~l~e~°s; <br />to which Iv'Ir. iVlirkin stated that they Dave four (4) title issues a~~d he Believes that the state ~~ade <br />tl~e errors. <br />Cs~u_s~cil IVleinl~er White stated. that ~~~etal thefts are greatly impacted our corn~.nuniry, and- that we <br />gust w€~rk together to address this. <br />Coraneil 1Vlemher Pfeifer stated that ``dealers nave to clean up your o~vn pause or ove will help <br />you". Other prafessic~ns have had to loop at their operations ar~d address their prol~le~~s. `~hc. <br />noted that the Council. is dealing with a serious prol7lc~~. <br />in response to a tluestiot~s fr6m Council ~len~ber I~irsits, it was noted tl-sat the Aler# P~°alra~i~ <br /> svc~ri` i.n this cot~n~nunity and r~tiger c;otnm.u~.1ities. <br />April It~_ ;~li0ti I~1ch1Ll~ ~i:d Y~il~lac Se Fery ta~~~~~iFtec cif tits 2f)E)G 4oullt F;c;nel ~'-a?n~salrnz L:c~i~nci3 '}"~re~ 3 °~' ~ - <br />