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2i)UG Sai~ih 33cn[~ C:os3u~i~m Caiu3ci~. <br />Tlae April iU; Zt;~f)6 ts-~eetit~g of the Es~a€t:Mt at~~t tt~lic ~atoty ~'ot~~i~~ittao ryas oali~d tai t~?~det~ ~t <br />~5 p.t~~. icy its t;hairpersot? ~~ouncii i~lletnher l~a~°en L. ~r~hite .n the ~c~€.tncil's ini`ort~~tal Niee~it~g <br />Rao~~~. <br />persan.s in attendat~.ce itlcl€tded ~.otr~tcii N[en~l~ers Pfeifer, l~uzzello, 1~/hite, t~irsi.ts, belly, iv~ieter, <br />and Rouse; 1l~tariha 1_,ewis, Lt. ~~il:e Guth., `.s'~~;t. Scott .13ryar~t. l~lil~L :iR!iorris, Belinda Morris, t~~acy <br />Levin, pity Attorney ~haries Lcat~.e, David l~.irlsin, Ray C~ral~ysiait, 13oh l~leslop, Pa.~~ Meyer, <br />Assistant rise ~h.iei` l~icl< ~rvitalslti, Tire Batallion Cl~iei` dreg ~#etzcer, Lynn C:olet~an, ,iatniG <br />Loo of the ~~vz~tlz ~3eY~~' Ir~ih~r~n~~ a~~d i~athteen Ce~ansl<i-farrand., ~ottt~cii Attortaey. <br />C:.;ea~~r€cil l~enlher ~ivl~site Hated teat the ~on7~~ittee ~~tet~hers inc,~ude ~:ot~ncii I1~'€:nzl~et°s darner, <br />, Pu'r.~ello and herself,. and ~:itizett n~en~l~ser ~.:hristie ,a/I.. l~lc~'u~ly. the noted that a <br />~~torut~ c>i' the Con~att~ittee ryas riot prescrtt tlter~;fe~re ~tl'~e tx~eeting would he for discussion a~~d <br />infor~nationa! pEtr~oses anly. <br />X131 Na> 12-[~f~: C'~p°~ iiin ~~~~ Tl~ef~ of ~l~in [' er a~ac~ stet ted It rns. <br />Coutlcil l~e~~nher ~i~itc. noted that tl~e C:;ot~7n~ittee has diseG€ssc;d Biil hto. 12-tlfi at its tneetin~~s c~l~ <br />March 22nd and IVlarch 27th. ~I~e then. wiled upon. Council M:et~n.l7er deter, one of the spcjnsors <br />of tl~e proposed ordinance. <br />~c~~~.ncii Mea7:ther Dieter rt€~ted that the s€tggestions made at past cotn~nittee meeting were <br />cateft~liy studied and further resew€-eh~d. Ike cot~t~,enclecl the Council Attorney t«r preparing a <br />suhstitr€te versi:on of the ordinance and for the additional resew€'ch oi~ the Bill.. ~e noted that a <br />copy of I~er April lt~th n-€et~nora~~drrtn which iaig3~lights the proposed changes astd a ca~~y of the <br />praposed s€ahstit~zte hill has been. sent to the; Cotanci.l, the C`lerl:, ivlr. Leone, ~!ls. ~'oppel, Ms. <br />DeRose aatd fir. {~#irliin (copy attached j. Ike noted that lie has :had discussions with. the ~`ounty <br />i'rasecutor's C)ftice, anal they applaud the eFforts of the C;aitncil with regard to the proposed <br />reg€alatit~ns- <br />C;otar~ci[ ~et~her Dieter stated. that ire l~eiieves that the proposed. regulations are rc;asot~al~le and <br />world provide a needed tool for tl~e police department io heap con•tbat the growing theft of <br />al.un~intrn~, capper ar~d other ferrous and Han-ferrous metals thrc~t.€ghout t.l~c:. city. lie l~lect a copy <br />cif an article fron~ the April ~, 2~~C~ edition c~ltlte i~f)t.f/~I I~c?rr~~ i'a•ibi~rar? entitles; "~~anl~ole hovers <br />Vanishing--Thefts spur safety rears, Gall. ~c~r More Oversight of scrap Dealers" (copy attached,. <br />Council Mct~her Dieter als€~ filed a lc;tter dated ~larc,h ~, 2€~(1C~ li•on~ ~Ifichael Beitzinger, wh€~ is <br />a lsteal corntnercial loan o1 ~cer which. is in support of tho propc~std ordinance (copy attached). <br />I_,t. ]11~ilce ~rtl~, of tlx:=: Sc~utl~ Band 1'cylica Depa~ i~~ents forensic l:.,al~, spoke in favor oi' tlti <br />ordinance. l~.e stated that physical evidence such as t~n~;erprints, tcaa:ts t~narks artd fractures are <br />the types of evidence wllicl~ can he traced hac.ic during tl~e investigative process. ~~il~et°s frot~~ <br />gloves and even. DNA if the person. has cut ,~~tselves are ail. l~c~ssible tea get leads, <br />L~~~zril i (3; ?f3f3G I-~eu1Fl'i Und ~~'t~i~iac saiiet~° Comn~.ili~ce of 12c ~f~~ 5pt~in 1'3eu~~ C:anuno3~ Couuc~~l,r1ti r~1~~,hi;)'F'ii) -I'i~~c ! ~,f ' <br />