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Further comments on the report from Hardie Blake, Violet Hawkins, Katrina Robinson, <br />and Bill Hinkle focused on the report indicators of racism, the dollars allocated to address <br />the cycle of poverty breeding gang violence, and finally whether "Ceasefire" was the best <br />organization to address these problems. <br />Karen White then asked those in favor of 17-06 to comment. <br />Dawn Jones, SBCSC Board Member and V.P. of "Ceasefire" cited that of 21,000 kids in <br />South Bend Schools only i/2 graduate from high school. Social, economic, and <br />educational alternatives need to be provided to these dropouts. Currently "Ceasefire" <br />through the YMCA's youth services serves 300 kids. With the grant 200 more could be <br />reached. <br />Nikki Lawson, President of Ceasef re, said the focus should be not on crime statistics; but <br />the causes and alternatives to crime. She said kids need to see an option to crime. <br />Father Chris Cox, St. Adalbert's "Cease-fire" board member, described "Ceasefire" as an <br />intervening approach to crime and violence not a reactive one. He stressed the epidemic <br />nature of violence. <br />Speaking apposed to the appropriation at Karen White's invitation was Bill Hinkle. He <br />stated he was nat opposed to "Ceasefire" yet sees it as re-active nat pro-active. <br />Violet Hawkins stressed a need to explain the racial implications of the arrest study. <br />Hardie Blake strongly advocated the need for additional resources. He questioned <br />whether "Ceasefire" was the best organization to address the needs. He described <br />another group called "Men of Scars" and emphatically advocated their competency as an <br />alternative to "Ceasefire." He provided handouts describing the group and their approach <br />and their frustration in securing funding. (These handouts are attached) <br />Ann Puzzello brought up the problem of "bullying" in our schools. <br />SBPD Division Chief Darryl Boykins stated both "Ceasefire" and "Men of Scars" can <br />help the SBPD. <br />Turning to Councilmembers far comments Karen White stressed the Council's awareness <br />of problems in the community and their determination to address them. <br />Charlotte Pfeifer wondered if the City needed to bring all resources together to identify <br />the problems, focus on the most effective ways and providers to address them. <br />Roland Kelly agreed with the notion of marshalling resources to focus efforts. <br />