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Per~Onn~ and ~n~nce n~it~~l~ <br />?CIf)C st>Ettl~ {3end Conm~im Council <br />The l~Ilarch } ~, ?€1E)b ar~eetin~ taisthc; 1'ers~?r€r€el and i~inarsce Gcarnnlitt.r~e r~~as called tea order by its <br />C:l~airpea'scan, ~.ouncil l~le~nber Char}otte ~. Pfeifer a.t 4:~~ p.~a~. i~~ tl~e ~oL€ncil Infor~~~a} IvIieting <br />Ro©~~_ <br />Persons in attendance: ir€cluded Gear€nci} ~/}e~~bers t~ieter, Pfeifer, ~JVhite, Pu~ze}lo, }~irsits, <br />I2orase, Varner; and. Keligr; director of Public ih~oa=~s Gary ~rilelt, .Nlrs. l~eapola, Residential <br />N~;ivlahcanc~acad.s Citizen iw}e~~her lO~Iartha t,ewis, Gi.ty ~`ierk ,iolan Voorde, ~;`itq~ Ge~ntr®Iter M. <br />Catherine I~anel}o, Attorney I~a.vic} }Vliri:i~€, ;iaa~ie l,oo ~f the ~rya~tla 13cr~~t 7-'~~hur~e and I~at}~}een <br />Cekanski-Farraa~d, Co€€~acil ~ttcarne;~, <br />C:or€nci} ivleanlier Pfeifer ~~otec} that t}ae ~`o~r€~s~ittee l~len~bcrs include Cs~€ lYfe~-nber 0~lhite as <br />Vice-C:taai.r, Cc3€~ncii 11~e~nlaers }~€€spa ane3 Vara-~c;r a~asl t:.:iti.2en ~e~r~ber Nikki I-lutelainson. <br />t'oa.u~cif ~/len~ber Pfeifr;r then coiled for a preseaatation oaa 13i1} No. ~6--%?2 sv}~.icla wcaulcl approve <br />the issuance of scrap ~neta~r.}unl~ dealers/transfer siatiora }icenses for ca}ei7dar year Z~06 for ~,-i <br />A~€tca farts, S}-€apiro Sales, Scs~€t.}a. I~c:rtd Scrap ~.: }?rocess, and. c ~~;rtrude Street l~~}etal RecycGing <br />pt€rsa€ant to Sectio€a ~-51 of the ~'oar11~ I3enc~' 1t%ta~l~icipcrl C'c}c~ey. <br />C~a€-y Gil€at; l~irc;ctcar caf Pr~b}ie ~iorl~.s a~$.~acle; the presentatic~~~. 1-le noted t}oat fcaur (~) <br />businesses referenr;ed in the resol€,€tion have c:acl~ beea~ inspected 13y floe 1.3epaa-tn~ent of Code <br />l~a~forceir~ent and the i'ire Prevcntio€a Bureau and are 4_'o€.and to l ~e in compliance ~,vith local. laws. <br />I-le: added that today the Board of Public. Wor:k.s favorably o~~ fc€atr ~~~ a.dditi.oa~al <br />basinesses ~.e~}~o s~vill be actLd upon by the Cou.~rcil at a future C;caaancil ~raeetin~7. <br />Council Nie~~€ber Pfeifer notc;d that most of these businesses are located in Ce~aaneil~[eataber <br />l~aaspa's ~:cau~~ci}rna~~ic District:. <br />T}~ea-e was no prtlilic input in favor or i~a op}acasitioi~ io the Bili. <br />®r. Varner then aazade a €notion, seco€~ded by Ccararacil l~'1~:~~aber White that Bill No. t)6-~? be <br />reco~xa~~aetaded }°avorabl_y to Council. The ~notiora passed. <br />fJtader;€aecaus business, ~"ity Attorney C~ha:rles f.e/one stat~:d that the City Ad€niraistration <br />is revis~wing the proposed licensira~ bill so that it wi}} "~ca as sa~-€caothly as possible". 1-1e' nb~tec~ <br />that lac and C'hicf Assistaa~t City At.tcarr€ey ~el~ose ~~ae:t wit}~ floe C'car~.a~cil Attorne~f to l~e~=in <br />discussir€~ the Bii}. <br />A.ttorrte;~ l~avi.d \/lirkin stated. float 1-ae represents a. scrap ~jard ~at~sirtess avouid.. }ike tra ~vcark with <br />the city on the proposedl re~alatio~~s. <br />The C~u~1ci.} Attorney ncat~;d that. s}~e f:a~ed the:. c;.ntir€:. cardizaance anal all attac}an~ents to l~r. <br />Nlirkira anti. t}oat she. Evit} inc}v€de ll.i~7a .in the: disc~assi©r€s with floe I~e;ga} I~epaa~ti~aent, She noted <br />that that Bi}} is not set for public }3earir~7 today and that it has been s~;nt tea t~'o€a.racil IVleabc~r <br />White's l~eaith. and 1'ublie ~iafety C.-cana~nittee for re~~iew arad rec~ar~anendatio~a. <br />Niareh t . ~UU6 Yersom~el ~md I?i€~a~~~;e Cu~~~mitteeiv`~ecinM wliRazites -1'a~cl t,f 2- <br />