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progra~~". 1-le co~~€n€;nded tl~e FAT' far tal:irpg the initiative on their sewn to sa~~e ~~c~ne~r and <br />gasoline; and with gasaiine price-s increasing that .is what is upsetting the People. <br />S~.:ioh.n Szuba stated that the FC31? has pL~t together a spreadsheet avl~icli shcstivs that they are <br />cutting back- on usage. lie: does not believe that there was a "spike" in Tanuary ~C)~C~ since their <br />figures show that there r~ras ®nly an increase of tI'3 of 1 gallon per car per day. ~'~e ~'~}P <br />v€~lu~~tary prngran~ resulted in a cut back. at 2,5€3 gallal~s. -ie added t3~at officers are otter <br />recli~ired to attend classes which are held or~tside at: tl~e citgr; and that the PAP 11as been <br />prc~-active in this area. <br />tar. ~far~er noted that st-atistics aver t:im.e will. slow the overall. usage. l-le noted that it appears <br />tl--at the Police C~epartrr~ent was a:~~le tc~ stay ~vithi~~ the budget 1`€~r this line-item. He added that <br />the ~o~~~n~ora ~:otttacil cannot take away this progra~.~~. 1-le also added that the (;ou.ncil leas been <br />reviewing the capital l~ttdget for the past several weeks, and that t'nat also reflects a red~~ctia~~. <br />ate, stated that ive must all l~l' pro-active and he crrnmended tl~e l~t1P for their ettc~rts. <br />Sgt. Rick R~~zkowsiti noted that they se~lci the wage package which only inclr~cied a 2a% wage <br />i~~creasc; in light of tl~ac on-going police tal:e_h®n~e car lsrogra~.7~. Fle €~t~ted ti~at Eye sits on lath <br />the gage Ca~~n~ittee a.nd tl~e l,abr~rll~anage~nent tti~`an~~~n~ttee. Prior to 1~~1~ when tl7e take-hc~t~€~: <br />car program began, tl~e police depai~t~nent w°as not as cost-effective. tIe stated that response <br />times have ~n~proved a~1d drat tl~€; ove€-aii wear and tea.€~ on the vehicles has dropped. Ile then <br />asi~ed the ~;ouncil ii' it ores ca~~sid.ering i.tnpcssing a sure}urge far eaclss ponce ott~cer whc~ had- a <br />take hoirte car. <br />Ccsan.cii ~le9~l~er V~hite and ter. darner b©t stated that there has been no discussion Ley the <br />council 1lile~rt.bers with regard to any type cal` surcharge. <br />~'c~uncii Nlet~al.~er 'hire added that there is a. need. tar co~nir~unication with.. tl~e <br />LabarlNlanage~r~ent ~:an~nBittee a~~d the Adtninistratit~t~. 't'here 1•tas beer na discussion by tl~e <br />council or by the 1-lealtlt and Pul~l.ic Safety Con~~~ittee tc> curtail tl:~e tame-~~-an-~.e car program. <br />~`auncil l~le3~lber l~,irsits noted that he revic;rvs the information provided tc~ tl~~: C:-o~tncil an the <br />'s cn.ti~•e vehicle fleet a.s part of leis duties of €1laking the cit;j safer. Ile voiced concern. a.l~®ut <br />approximately 75°~0 of tl~e laolice deparnnent Living outside of the city cis "critical e~~~iloyees". <br />}.le l~nrsws that state Ia~v per~~~its this and. he i:r€c~ws that there is better eat.e at tl~e veh.ic;les, <br />however they 4hould always laok at ways a~ being snare efficient. <br />l;~r. darner noted that the pro-active ~nea.sures of the rOl' are great and that he d~rc~uld be <br />interested in seeing their data, as well as any ether intor~~ation w~l~ich may have been filed with <br />tl~e: board of 1'ubl.ic Safety ~vl~ich is releva~~t. <br /> i~e~nber ~lhite zaoted that there have been a series ok articles in tl~e ~~~zE~lr f3c>>ac~ 13•a13~1~~~~. <br />al~ot~t vacant i~o~nes. She noted €.h.a.t this topic has been discussed at the ~ortncil's retreat, and <br />drat she will. die canon€~ing to discuss it ley 1€~ol~ing at the shirt al` poprtlatio~~s in the cotr~rn~~nity <br />anal tl~e treed to rvorl~ closely with the pity t~.d-t~inistratic~n in cr~•der tc~ adcl~-ess it. Sloe naffed that <br />tl~e city needs tc~ look. at the data a.nd look at why these trends are developing. <br />ivlarch 13, ~tJf1G Hc~31t1~ at~d Pi~1~1ic ~a[2[S` ~-onu~~itt~;a of the-?OOG tiuiati~ I3~c3C~3~rv?'~ou t:oc~i3cil <br />