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ol~dt~t l~~~ta~~ ~a~'~la~~ l'i~li~ ~~~°l~~ ~~ ~'~°r~~er°~~, ~~~~~~~ ~.~®~~i1t~~ <br />(a~ ~1~~ ~~t^~r~1t£~e~ r~ea.~~ `i~r~ra~~ ~`€~~rar~ai~;t~~ <br />-~12e ,~~r~utlz 13~~nc~ ~'c~~a~~r~~aor~ ~~:r>~~rac~l ZU(16- <br />~c~uncil l~lle~nbe~- pfei~er stated That the police take ho~r~e car l~rogra~n 1~egan under 1?~alice <br />~:Fiief Cinnn. the stated that r~.eigh.bors are asking l~rer ahoet the prc~gra~~~ anal she belies-es ~~at it <br />wauld be a. good tine tc~ Evaluate the prc~gra~~a. <br />t'~Iavor 1luecke stated that tl~e program is vatr~atile since it t~rovides an aetditional presence <br />ire tl~e neighl~orhoc~ds. "Tl~e prograa~~ sasres iia~e when there are shirt ehanges; it saves on the wear <br />ar~d tear of the vehiclc;s; and the. vehicles a~°r: now the c~ft'icer"s odt~ces in 1€ght cat the a.ddit:ic~nal <br />eq~iprnent ~roar~ eo3nputers to vide, cameras. ~'he 1Vlayor added. teat when pra€;es <br />starte~t to increase that the l;~P ~rse~nhcrsl~ip voluntarily c€at €~ac~k on usage c~(~ the vehicle when <br />€~n personal t~r~e. ; noti~~g that that usage was ~3eg;ittni~~g to creep r~t~, <br />t:`our~eil l~le~~?ber white stated that sloe hacl received an email f'rc~~n l~~ficer i~aish and <br />that as a result she has called a meeting of the l lealth ar;d I'ul~lic ~afc~ty ~ €~n~~a-~ittee to 1"u~~ther <br />discuss the take hc~rne car prograrr~. <br />~.ouncil. ~/le~r~her White incl€~ired about the ~~'10,t3€?0 p€-c~p~sed expe~~tlitu.t°e for the skate <br />park. lw3ill ~arleto~~ noted that ~x~or~ies svoczid be a~sed to enhance the obstacles. 1-le ac~.ded in <br />response to a question 1'rotr~ Dr. ~Iar~~er that flee ;itraess e.cltt.ip~nent dollars are for the lease <br />payments for tt~e ecluipt~nent that is already there. <br />~:c~uncii I1!ien~ber. l'u~zello cluestit~ned whether tl~cre was a savings to the city on salt, <br />gasoline and overtime in light of the mild winter. ivlr. pilot stated that there has been, however <br />the season was not aver. <br />dire.. C:l~ic~tluther Tavfor noted that the substitute dill it~e.fudes the ~~l,OflO fro~~ a giant <br />tc; fund t~irnor~t gear and ecluipa~lent ~c~r the depart>lner~t~ <br />in response to a grtestion fro~~~ I3r. Varner, ~,!tayor l:,caecke stated that t~~'~Q, tnc. receives <br />funds ~ro~~~ C;C~Ii" and Tll; fog- their general opcratir~g expenses. <br />~:.our~.cil I'residet~t t~.ouse st<atect that I~T~~, inc. would [~:: co€ni.rlg hack to the C:.c~uncil in <br />the near 1"t~ttare tc~ provide additional i~~~or~nation on 13i~. <br />C-csu~~cit ~le~x~ber pu~~eilo noted t[~at ~z~~der the ~~eneral ~'u.nd there is an amount itsted o~ <br />~'~5,44~ and u~tder ~'~lT there is arY a~rrount listed of ~5€ltl,t)€}0 ;`or the Northeast Neighborhood, <br />4vhich slle believc;s is ir~cc~rreet. :l"he pity ~.ontroller stated that both of th©se listi~-~gs sho€~ld be <br />1'cr NNRC~ instead. <br />In response to an €ncluiries froze ter. eTarner, i!lr. ~itr~t ns~ted that alt of flee G~aod <br />Neigh:t7orsi'~ood Neighborhoods dollars are Used each year. tie also noted that Frederia;ksc~n <br />t'ark is about done. 'They now have a partzzership relation with the goy SGOLEtS and are utilizi~lg <br />zr~nnies for the final rez~lediation svhic:h is reclzlired. ~l°he old dears l~~ildin.g wilt be rezrzove~i <br />A,~<irch ;. ~t!I:7f: [E~ii~t. PAe€ln~~ of the i'~.ib~ie ~'o3~ks ~ f'rot~urC; ~8L`8t.111l7 Ci>n~~t~iLicc ~~: s1~c E.'crso~~~ZC~ ~; ~~zrtaElcc t;t7niiarilaec <br />-1'~aLe ~ tit ~1- <br />