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Public forks Cod Pope vaCato~ Cami~ee <br />2UUfi SoiAtt .'13ea~d (;oirs~ttc~n GcsE~itiil <br />Tlae ~ehrl.~ary '~7, 2€3t)~ €-r~eeti;~g of the I'uhlic Works and Properto~ Vacation Con~n~ittee was <br />called to order by its t "l~airpersor~, ~~`oul~cil 1'~ell~er David A. ~Iarner at 3:3$ ~.~n. in *l~e ~;o~ancil <br />Infor~r~al Meeting 1Zoo~~a <br />Persons in attendance inellrbded Council IVlei~l3ers Dieter, Puz~ello, Kelly, Varner, Kl-spa, White, <br />Pfeifer, I~irsits and Rouse; I'~~blic Works ~ Prope~~y Vacation Con~~nittee Mel~her l~lrflrt ~o~~ng> <br />Pat Lynch, Ral.~i I~leza, Martha I~eavis, l~ita ~opala, Executive Director of the Depart~~lent of <br />C'o~xl~nunity a.t~d Econot~ic Development Si~aron l~endall, Rita l~opala; ~. E,dward Talley; Public <br />Works Director Gary Gilot, City l~;ngineer Carl Isittrell., City Clerk i~ksn Voorde, ~a~~ie loo of <br />tl~e 5~32~t~z 13~Frcl 1 x•rhz~ne and l~athleen Cekansl<i-~a.r~-and, Council. Att®n~ley. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the Cor€~~~littec rr~etxlbers included Cotancil 1l~le~nbers Puzzello, 'i'fei.fer, <br />Dieter and himself: I-Ie thcr~ welco~~ed l~ew citizen ~aae~nher l~.urt ~'esLtng to tl~e C.o~nn~ittee. Dr. <br />Varner ~~oted that la/lr. young is an otivraer ala.d operator of an e~ccavatin~;, dev~:lopinertt & <br />enaineerir~g tirn~ a.nd believes that he will Provide good insights to the Com.~~aittee. <br />Dr. Varner then called l'ur a presentation on 13~i.11 No. ~l -~6 which is a req~~est to vacate the #irst <br />nortl~isorath alley west of Carlisle Street from Western Avenue south to tl~e first eastiwest alley <br />for a distance of 13~' and a width ~f l~l', evl~ich is part of Su~x~~~nit :Place 2r~d addition. <br />Pat Lynch ~~ade the presentation. xe~~lcstit'ag that thy; vacation would ~rovicle a.dditioz~al arld tsetter <br />deigned parking for the space at `?21~ West.lNestern Avenl.~e. NIr. Lynch stated that since <br />ths; last comtrl.i€tee lneetitag he and David Fecteaa.l from the Depart€nent caf C:ointnunity ar~d <br />Econo~~ic Developt~nea•~t met witl-~ 13riata. K~~itta, tl~e ®~vnivr of tl~le Anchor Inn. I-tis conccr€1s <br />appeared to be that the vacation ;nay result ire an increased .~urnher oi' vehicles transiting his <br />property, noting that the Anchor Ian's parking lot is rlnil~tproved and lr~nlined. I-Ie also is <br />cs4ncerned about the crime ar~d valadalisn-a of his customers. I-Ie noted that there is no curb cut ley <br />tl~e Anchor Inr~ and showed a diagra~~ of the area in question. He suggested that shrubbery ia~ay <br />help address the concerns he raised rcgarding vehicle movement. 11e added that there ~rlay also <br />be facade monies available for such improvements which wo~.tld also address his safety <br />concerns. <br />l.n respolase to a c~L~estiol.~ from Dr. Varner, llllr. Ly~~ch stated that there are parki«g bl.~t~~ps at the <br />fashion shop- Dr. Varner noted that they nay also want to contact. a c~ ~ aboilt a secl:irityfni€~ht <br />light for that area. <br />Council l~!le~~l~er Pfeifer noted frol~~ leer ta:ltcs vrith SI3PD Captain Wanda Shock that there are <br />types caf shrubbery wl~iclt a~-e recom~xsended to 11c1p prevent cril~e. <br />Ire response to a question from Council member Kuspa, NMr. I,ylich stated that he has spoken. with <br />two of the four people ~vho have voiced concerns shout tl~e vacati~an. <br />There was no cane fro>x~ the ~publie to speak in Favor or in opposition to the 13111. <br />Fehrttsrt• ?7, 2£?£)Ci .l'~~hlic'a~'nrks and Prespcri} VaeatiEin Co;,tmittce. lv7eitt~r~ of the Z(ft16 Strxri[~ Bend Cf~.i~t~Em C=E~fjncl -Page 1 01 <br />