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'The a~~~rulatory sLrrnery center 1.vhicl~ was c;~~nstructed irr t q84 and currentl}~ leas iwa (2~ surgical <br />smites will he replaced. ~?ith sip (~S} nary suites. ~~iagnastic services of rl~abn~:t:ic- <br />resorr.ance imaging will lie added. ~~ew electronic; medical. t•ecorcls in a wiretess pati.errt care <br />e~~vironr~nerrt grill replace paper medical cl~aris. i?i,~pic~yt~aeni will grc~ty I~}r 11 fi. <br />`t'he proposed. investment an~ii:l he X35 ~~ti~lion ~y the physic iars. `t'hey anticipafc; an 1 ~-"?~ ~nonih <br />car~st~-~.rctir~n phase. <br />'l~ev Dave, had a of ~~eetir~gs with the residents in tl~e area, rnen~atrers af' the city stm=t and <br />various C.ot~~~cil lVleYi~l~ers, ar~d Dave 9~et with 1~]`vTRC3 and Iv.I~NC representatives. <br />hey ar-e excited about the project and the future develop€xrent cif the thirty {~~}) acres which `~t. <br />asepl€ ed.ical Ce~~ter i~taw accrrpies. <br /> ~lerxrer Pfeifer sttg~;estec~ that parki~lg for the elderly ~~e considered very carefully with <br />regard. to protected dr~~p-off areas acrd claw-praxia~ity parking. <br />In respt~~~se; to a question frt~rrr. Council IVletnber Dieter, it ix~as acl~rrcaw~.edged that one-r~ray <br />tra$iic patter~~s are being considered to e~1ha~~ce sai`ety. <br />Council. iR~lerrr~er Prrzzello voiced €;oncerrr al~oti~t the trafP~c on p:dd_y ~rnd I.aa~alle intersection; <br />and noted that there is also a carlcern regarding the safety of pedestria~a traffic. <br />It seas rsoted that s~~attle serrTices are being cc,nsicic,red during the construction phase. <br />Council NIer7~l~er 1t.irsits stated t3~at the South t3e~~d Medical ~'E)~ndation leas a sl~t.rttle systet~ a~~d <br />that they nay want to vontact thet~n. <br />Carl E.ittre4 noted in response to a gicestian fro~rr Cc~uneil t~k°esid.e€~t I~c~use that the etienination of <br />hazards is a major topic ofdiscrassion. A 9t9i1{l ~~-rant frarrr I1~Il~tJ~` for safety i~~provelr~ents is a <br />pc~ssibiiity. Protected left tur~~s are also tieing discussed. I-le does not ~e[ieve that traft'ic will. <br />rz3ave airy faster, l~awever he does nat l~eliive that it will. be as lead as it is naw. <br />Council Nle~nber }Nhite thanked the Clinic representatives for their strong cc~~nn~it~rrent to the <br />City of S©uth bend and tl~eix willingness to in~lest in our city. <br />Cr~r€rtcil >~err~~er Kelly also thanked the C'l.inic representatives far tl~ei.r pralaosed in.vestn7ent i.n <br />air co~~n~~unit~~; a~~d for- the ver}~ detailed presentatiar~. Cc~~'ncil Nler~her 1Lelly their adjourned <br />tl.~e ~r~eeting at 4:?9 p.rn. <br />Res e'tf r s mitt, <br />~~ <br />C.ounci} l!/Iern~er Roland Kelly, Chairpezson <br />Cot~~a~u~~ity anal ~conan~ie l~evclap~nGnt Cotnta~titte:e <br />KC~':kr~zf <br />A.itaclZr~~ ant <br />J~ek?a'E~ar~~ ?;. ZirD6 C:oi~~~Tiuiiii'y ~+~~c~ 13cuiiun~ic l:)ec°el4~pin~r~i Cai~u~~.~ti~~~ 1vSestii3~ lrtiiSi~E:es _f'a.~e- " tit ? <br />