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ar~d they should serv°e tic ~l~i~Iii~.. ~'~ey a~•e u~~~`~i~~~ ~vit~~ str€de~~t 1eace€-s a.€~d ~voritiir~~ ~.vit~ <br />parent leaders. <br />fir. Csre€€ves noted teat the problems o~two ~~) ~~reeks ago i~a~re l~eightcned ai~rarer~ess. Tl~rey are <br />teaehirrg the Tape 10 l'rowrazrl, since it is not 1Sei€~~ ta€a~ght a# hor-ne. ~icrlence crosses gang lines <br />ar~€d this is intensified when cl~iltlren are rrot respectful. Tl~e city €rrust he prc3active. <br />bonnie Str~;l~er, l;.~ecu#iv€~ l~ire;etor ol'the you#h Services Bureau; appreciated tha# tl~ris council <br />meeting vvas called. Sloe €~oted l:r-orrs her expes-ierrce there is a ;rovtiTirrg prol~lei~~r c~i" teens <br />being o~~ the streets. Sloe a.tso noted that t]~ere are prolale~~~s with l ~ and 19-years oils carrying <br />three ~~) credits. ;e~any teens are livi€}g in crrr-s, with r~nar~y rsf these. ~7outh being out of the house; <br />since they were ~~ years old. litany are dra€g de}~endet~#~ An overwhelr:nirlg nurx~ber of youth <br />ages 16-?~ are looking t~or~ol?s. 1~o€rsing, drugs, cducatirr~~ ar~d er:nploy~ncnt must all. be focused <br />upon by the corn€t~unity. She noted that "we: are not a civil society; that kids lack self corgi#rol; <br />that they yvan# ii~»n.edia.te gra#i~catior~" acrd that places like the ~ol7irrsc~n Center reet~grrize these <br />probler-ns and are addressing #herrs. <br />~~v~rn . ,la~ris of ~'l~.~l~'A-~lrban '~'o€~th Services noted- that sloe knows of 1?-year°-olds ~vho do <br />nc~t Dave a place to stay. Schools are tuo often 'oecofna~ig th.e stabilizing farce in their lives. <br />Anger a~~ranagen~er€# is needed,. l~ler agency works wi#~- about ~5~ youth weekly, and. sloe not <br />seen r~~uch par€;t involver~nent, <br />Council l~le€~il~er Kirsi#s commended tlae school corporation officials for their quick action. tie <br />n€~ted that the incident in tyre pa.rkir~g lot which he referred #c~ earlier allegedly occurred at <br />~i ashingtrarr lei gl~ Scl~oal. <br />17ivisior~r Police C;hiel' Daryl Boyl~ins noted drat fire longer this 17el~avic~r is tolerated tl-la# 1_~it;ger <br />tl~e prablem will 13~:con~re. <br />Brincipal lVicC.ulloul;h stated that t:he "sch.oois will only be as safe as the city:, <br />council lVCer~ber Write loped that #his level s~f discussion ~~~ould continue. Sire no#ed that as <br />thc; cor~€~nur~ity is changierg tl~€at we need tca focus ors the safety and quality of life of our <br />contrrr~tnity. She again thanked all of the Sorrtl~ B€;€~d Corr€~~runity School officials for their <br />cl€€ick resporrse and hoped tbat discussions of this type ~~rould continue. <br />The Cocrncil Attorney suggested that i€~ ligh# sore of the corn~~ren#s made today, that the <br />Co~nrnittee rrri~;l~t ~v=ar~# to consider broadening the discr€ssion to include r~;prescntatives from tl~e <br />Prosecutors ~flice, as well as tl~e jt~diciar-~~. <br />Zrls. Strycker and Chiei' l3oykins also sugg~:sted thG~t talking with ~rorrtl~ in ss~nall groups vvould <br />€lso prove t~erreficial. <br />Council Mea-nber White tha.nlced everyone for their inpr€t and. stated, that she ~vo~€ld be back ire <br />t€~uch as the Council c.on#ir~ues to ~vorlc togeth~:r with the school corpora#io€~ on help e~7stare the <br />safe#v concerns. <br />]?el,rutt*t' 3, ?(_1~)fi ~Ie.~1tr~ anct #'iihhi S~fiy C'on~iltee of [h~ 20fy(; tioi,tth 3enr~ C'nnnnu~:~ C.c>z2neil -!'a~,e 404` 4 - <br />