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Pti~b1~G 1D~'~6S ADd ~'DpD Dea~D~t ®llt[CD zc~cly st,t~(]t ~~~z,.l c:~t~~-~~~,t, c°~>~ut~E <br />The iar~uarv 2s, 2()(16 meeting of tl~e Public W€~t~ks and Property Vacatio~~ Co~~~~ittee was galled. <br />to order by its Chairperson, Council li~let~ber l~a~rid ~. Varner at 4:;f1 p.~~. in the Council <br />Informal Meeting Rooz~ <br />Persons in attendance included Cottnc;il ~`lc'mbers I3ieter, Puzzello, Kelly, Varner, I~rrspa, White, <br />Pfeifer and R®use; Phil fiyrd, Carl Isittrell, Pat f.ynch, 1Vlaria Coria, fail I~Ie2a, Martha f;ewis, <br />Rita. Kopala, ~;:~ecutive Director of the I~epart>~ent of Coi~tnua~ity anal ~conosr~ic ~evelop~nent <br />Sharon. l~endal;, City Clerk Jahn Voorde, Tarnie I,c>o of tl~e ~5~,utd~ ~'e~~c~ T~^ihi~a-~~ and l~athleen <br />Cel~anski-l;arrar~d, Council attorney. <br />I~r. Varner noted fihat the Cott~n~tittee ~-ne~ribers il~cluded Council l~eznbers Puzzelio, l~feifer, <br />Dieter ay~d hi~~self. <br />I~r. Varner noted that a presenter was available, for Dill T`t1o. ~l-~C and tl~erefare moved this Bill <br />to the en.d. of the agenda. <br />dill ~t~. 02-Obe '~ac~tion ~.~ ~ s <br />I:~r. Varner there called for a presentation ~ Bill No. f}2-~6 which is a retl~aest to vacate the first <br />eastfwest alley rgorth of Corby Bo~ilevarcl fral~~ St_ Peter Street wort to tl~e first. north/south alley <br />for a distaa~ce of I65 fee a€~d a width of ?~ feet, which is part of Sorin's 2nd addition a€~d a part <br />«f belly's Subdivisisn. <br />1?hillip Byrd of Sl~~ 1/incoln Way West l~~ade. the preserttatiot~ along with th.e praperty owr~irs <br />who currently live at it30~ St- Vincent Street. They wish to Dave tl~e va~:atio~~ in order to provide <br />property far additional set backs which will permit the canstruction of a ne~~~ ho~rlo at 917 St. <br />Peter wl~iel~ is eat l ~~, the lot iml~ediately south and adjacent to the alley. <br />The Board of 1?nblic Works gave the req~~est a favorable reco~rl~endation to the Council <br />(January 5, 20Q6 report a.fitached}. <br />l~'ollowing discussion, Caa.s.ncil Member Pul~ella made a rnation, seconded. by Council. Ivlei~her <br />Pfeifer that Bill No. It2-~6 be reco~~l~ended favorably to Council. The nlation passed. <br />dill l~®m 03-OG: Vacali®n lR.__~~ue~t.~ <br />Dr. Varner then Galled tar a presentation on Bill No. ~3-~6 ~~~l~icl~ is a request to vacate the fig°st <br />t3orti~lsa~.~tl~ alley west of Carlisle Street from Wester~~ Avenue south tee the first eastlwest atiey <br />l~~~l° a distance of I22 feet and a width of l~ feet, being a paE~t of Su~~lr-it Place 2nd addition. <br />The Beard of I'tzblic Wart<s gave tl~e re€lr~~st a favorably reat~~xl~~~or~.datiou to tl~e Council <br />(January 5, 2~U6 rep<~rt attached:). <br />amtaaF' ?3, ?[J(16 Pul~lie works snd T'sope-riy Vxzct~[iarz C;ouuttinee Meetitth ot'eh~ 2f3[~G Suutlt S3cnd C'«mntan €~outtci] -P;.~~,e 1 of ?- <br />