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the City of So~:rth Bend and our- ec~rrt-~n~trrity's strengths. i he ~€~w RBI' is advertised widely; <br />available ~n multiple r~~eposites; r.rtilizes €a~arketinn lists utilizes a00 plus developers as rhfel.l as a <br />slZOrt list of developers; staff l~~al~e persor~ral c~antact with, r~er~l?er-s ors. ire short list; the .t-~spa~r~s~ <br />ti3xre period Ilas I-reer~ changed frorm 2-.~ weeks ter ~~-6~ days, with ~~ days p€rssiblo on some <br />specific projects. lie stated that the errd. result is a rxrore quality project beirkg proposed. ~~~ then. <br />noted the that the r~ew Rlil.~ fori~tat was used for C~an~e Day, the LaSalle I-Iotel site; the lZirrk <br />t~iverside side anal the ®sccr site. <br />Cour~eil president Rouse rr~rt~:d that with rrrar~: time a.nd effort ~,einl; utilized: irr tyre l'rorrt-end of <br />the process; it ray Dave the resul# of r~.tilizin~; less ti~~re f®r tl~~ er~tir~ l~r-crcess in the i€~n~ ran. <br />,lennifer l...aurerrt tl~ert walked through the prtrcess in response to a request from C'ouncd ~etnl~rer <br />I'uzzello. Sloe noted that the~.e must E7e two (~.} certified It~IA appraisals; typically ar€ average of <br />the two ~2) appraisals is used; they #hen go to the commission. with an. t~..~~1' arz.d selling offerit~r~ <br />price. She noted that they anxious to get flee four (4 ~ parcels which Don Inks outlined hack <br />onto the tax rolls. She alse4 noted that the city should rrtrt have to heavily subsidia_e these projects <br />in light of the rrern~ Rol' process being used. Ids. t,aurent states drat derrelopers are also no~v <br />required to make a f~~rrrral presen#ation to the C`€.rtr:tmissiorr. <br />Sharon. Kendall noted that tl~e 5rrore laul~lic process is a good educational e~cperienc;e for tl~e <br />pr.rblie, as well. as the mews r~ledia. <br />Cot,rncil I?residen# Rouse: suggested that a t-lotiv chart of the entire process lie developed and seat <br />to the; Council and the Office of the City Clerk. <br />Council ~//#e~~il~er ~lhitc~ rioted the need to r•eviev~r prs~~ects ire li~l?t oi`C.ity flan.. <br />Council l~er~rbe;r Kelly inquired about are update on the Northeast Neigl~rborhood developmea~t. <br />1enn.ifer I,au:rer~t stated. that the t:J~~.iversity crf Ne~tre Da~t~.e is recruiti.n;.~ dee~°e€®pers and that lhev <br />will pert orst RI~l~'s. <br />rI"he Council ~ttcrrney asked how many prcrjeets are projected this calendar year' which would <br />utilize the ne~v format. Don Inks stated that none are arrtic,ipated beyond the four ~4 j Irrojects <br />rullich are c€rrre~~tly u~~der way. l-te stated that there, is a need for a i~.ew downtown r?~aster plan <br />wl~icl~ they are currently discussing. <br />Council. Member Kefily thanl~ed. everyone for $:he u.pdate anal. for the pro-active format. "There <br />being no further business to con-€e 1`sel'ore the Council, tl~e meeting was ad-}ourned ley Council <br />Nlerrrber I~~zzello at ~_p7 p-r~r. <br />respect#~rlly submitted, <br />Council Mer-ri~~e Ch.a~ e o <br />Cor~~nuniry an ~ ~c~~~nor~~c Develol r~~ent~ C~orr~»~i ~ cc <br />ICCF~I~rnf <br />Attachaxrents <br />J4122Lk1T~` I?, ?Ut}G Car~~ana~nitS, tz~id }?.cu~iur~nic i.)eveLO~nnai}t Cbmmi[~i-ee IVlcet'ing f~iiiti~tes -Page-' q1' 2- <br />