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REGULAR MEETINGSEPTEMBER 26, 2005 <br />cultural and tourism opportunities linking these two great communities culturally, <br />spiritually and civically; and <br /> Whereas, on June 23, 2003, the South Bend Common Council formally welcomed the <br />2003 Delegation from Arzberg, Germany, to our community and pledged its support to <br />uphold and strengthen the ties between our cities acknowledging that at the Arzberg City <br />Fest in June of 2002, a three-sided memorial was dedicated which included the following <br />insignia: <br />th <br />There were citizens from Arzberg who, in the middle of the 19 century, left their home <br />“ <br />in search of a new existence. In South Bend in Indiana they found a new home, which <br />enabled them to live a life in peace and freedom. There were citizens of South Bend, who <br />in the year 2002 came to Arzberg from Indiana in search of their historic roots. In <br />Arzberg they found citizens who welcomed them in friendship, and thereby expressed <br />their thanks to the American people. The citizens of Arzberg and the citizens of South <br />Bend established here a symbol of friendship and solidarity <br />between the German and the American people <br />” <br />with the American Delegation presenting to the Mayor and official representatives of <br />Arzberg, Germany, a commemorative medal, designed by local sculptor Tuck Langland, <br />which depicted images of Arzberg and South Bend and showed that our two cities are <br />united by a boat traveling through the middle of the medallion being representative of the <br />many immigrants who crossed the Atlantic before settling in northern Indiana 150 years <br />ago. <br /> Whereas, the South Bend Common Council is indeed honored and privileged to be a <br />part of the establishment of furthering the formal relations between two these great cities, <br />Arzberg and South Bend, as it moves forward in officially establishing this relationship <br />as the second Sister City with the City South Bend; and <br /> Whereas, in view of the importance and the many potential cultural & economic <br />benefits resulting from Sister City relationships, the Council further recommends that it <br />pursue other community-driven relationships with other sister cities in parts of the world <br />where our citizens are already linked by their cultures and heritage, especially in Africa <br />and Mexico. <br />Now, Therefore, be it resolved, by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />Section I . On behalf of all of the citizens of the City of South Bend, Indiana, the <br />Common Council hereby officially establishes the Sister City relationship between the <br />City of Arzberg, Germany and the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Section II . The South Bend Common Council pledges its support to work in <br />partnership with the South Bend City Administration, to continue to encourage the <br />development of understanding, trust and friendship between the residents of Arzberg, <br />Germany and South Bend, Indiana, by enhancing educational, cultural and economic <br />opportunities. The Council is proud to acknowledge that much of this great history is <br />captured in the growing collections located at the Northern Indiana Center for History <br />which historically trace ties of South Bend to this rich Bavarian city whose German <br />ancestors became prominent business leaders in South Bend and helped shape a growing <br />th <br />community during the 19 century. <br />Section III . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />stth <br />s/Derek D. Dieter, 1 District s/Ervin Kuspa, 6 District <br />nd <br />s/Charlotte D. Pfeifer, 2 District s/Al “Buddy” Kirsits, At Large <br />rd <br />s/Roland Kelly, 3 District s/Timothy A. Rouse, At Large <br />th <br />s/Ann Puzzello, 4 District s/Karen L. White, At Large <br />th <br />s/Dr. David Varner, 5 District <br />2 <br /> <br />