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REGULAR MEETINGSEPTEMBER 26, 2005 <br />Ms. Williams advised that she is the Trustee for the 926 Land Trust. Ms. Williams stated <br />that she is seeking a Special Exception to allow for the property located at 926 Blaine <br />Avenue to be used as a duplex as opposed to a single-family dwelling. The property had <br />formerly been used as a three unit apartment building and had been grandfathered with a <br />legal non-conforming use. However, since the building has been vacant for over one <br />year, that status has been lost. Ms. Williams stated that a duplex would be the most <br />efficient use for the property due to the structure of the building. The building was built <br />in such a way that would make it difficult to fully utilize the space as a single-family <br />home. It would be virtually impossible to connect one of the apartments with the rest of <br />the house to make a functional single-family home. Additionally, allowing the house to <br />be used as a duplex allows us to provide an affordable housing option in this <br />neighborhood. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />Mr. Roy Brown, 3811 Eastmont Drive, South Bend, Indiana, stated that this house is a <br />big beautiful house and although it is just one house, people in a working class <br />neighborhood with a house that size, I don’t see them being able to afford to pay the <br />utilities. By turning down this petition, would just leave a big empty house sitting and <br />not benefit the taxation and not benefit the City at all. Agreeing to pass this petition <br />would allow the home to become an asset to the City of South Bend. By allowing the <br />home to be rejuvenated back to its original status or better will put it back on the tax rolls. <br />This is just a grain of sand but it takes all the sand to make a beach, it could be a real <br />asset to the City of South Bend. <br />Ms. Lynn Meinerding, 1136 Bissell, South Bend, Indiana, Apartment Manager for 926 <br />Land Trust, advised that she approves renters that seek applications to rent. She stated <br />that 926 Blaine is a very nice home, however, it is very large approximately 2,400 square <br />feet. To heat a house of that size as a single family home would be astronomical. As a <br />duplex, it would allow for people to live in a great neighborhood. It would be an assest to <br />the City of South Bend. Ms. Meinerding advised that the screening process is very <br />thorough, they do credit checks and background checks, they are very particular in who <br />they rent to. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in favor of this bill. <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to this bill. <br />Mr. Homer Nissley, 1136 Blaine, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in opposition to this bill. <br />Mr. Nissley stated that seeking a special exception starts a trend, that will continue no <br />doubt, particularly if land owners and land lords get the idea that they can take a large <br />house and appeal for changes in the zoning that have been established for this area. He <br />lives north of this home and has delivered neighborhood newsletters to this particular <br />home for many years, and realizes that it is a fairly large house on a very small lot, with <br />very limited parking area. This special exception would be very undesirable for the <br />neighborhood to see it used as a multiple unit. <br />Mr. Stephen Perkins, Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, 1002 Blaine, South Bend, Indiana, <br />Mr. Perkins advised that the Church is located directly across the street from this property <br />as well as 923 and 925 Blaine which he is the overseer of those properties as well. Mr. <br />Perkins stated that he is in opposition of this Resolution, because that particular home <br />will make the neighborhood more transient than it already is. That means that the <br />neighborhood becomes more unstable, it has the possibility of people entering and exiting <br />on a regular basis. This makes it harder to attract home owners and potential home <br />buyers. Multiple tenants and renters have a tendency not to take as much pride in the <br />property or the property of others compared with communities where the majority are <br />home owners. Parking will be a problem, there is not enough room on the lot to park <br />cars. <br />Ms. Karen Ainsley, 1007 Portage, South Bend, Indiana, Executive Director, Near <br />Northwest Neighborhood Association. The Near Northwest Neighborhood has been in <br />13 <br /> <br />