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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3636-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br /> DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br /> COMMONLY KNOWN AS 105 NORTH NILES <br /> AVENUE AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION <br /> AREA FOR PURPOSES OF AN (8) EIGHT- <br /> YEAR REAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT <br /> FOR NILES/WASHINGTON LP FOR THE <br /> BENEFIT OF AM GENERAL <br />WHEREAS, a petition for real property tax abatement has been filed with the City Clerk <br />for consideration by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, requesting <br />that the area commonly known 105 North Niles Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, and which <br />is more particularly described as follows: <br />Parcel E3-3 and E3-4U. A part of Lots Numbered Forty-three (43), Forty-four (44), <br />Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47) and Forty-eight (48) of the Original Plat <br />of the Town of Lowell, now a part of the City of South Bend, together with that portion <br />of the vacated 14-foot alley lying between Lots 45 and 46, said tract being more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 11.00 feet West of the Northeast <br />corner of Lot 43 in said plat; thence South 00°06 ’00” West, parallel and 11 feet West of <br />said West line of Niles Avenues, 409.94 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 48 in said <br />plat, 11.00 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof; thence North 89°45’24” West, <br />along said South line, 118.15 feet; thence North 00°04’38” East, 211.66 feet to a point on <br />the South line of Lot 45 in said Plat; thence South 89°56’31” East, 29.29 feet; thence <br />North 00°05’44” East. 198.04 feet to a point on the North line of Lot 43 in said Plat; <br />thence South 89°54’00” East, along said North line, 89.00 feet to the place of beginning. <br />Also, a parcel of land being a part of Lots 43 through 48 and the adjacent vacated 14-foot <br />alley all in the Original Town of Lowell, now City of South Bend, Indiana, and being <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Lot 43; <br />thence South 0°06’00” West (bearing assumed) along the West right-of-way line of Niles <br />Avenue, a measured distance of 409.94 feet to the Southeast Corner of said Lot 48; <br />thence North 89°45’24” West along the North right-of-way line of Washington Street, a <br />measured distance of 11.00 feet; thence North 0°06’00” East parallel with said West <br />right-of-way of Niles Avenue, a measured distance of 409.91 feet to the South right-of- <br />way line of Colfax Avenue; thence South 89°54’ 00” East along said South right-of-way, <br />a measured distance of 11.00 feet to the place of beginning containing 4,509 square feet, <br />more or less. Subject to any easements, covenants, or restrictions of record. <br />Parcel E9-11. A parcel of land being Lots 95 and 96 and the East 65 feet of Lot 94 in the <br />Original Plat to the Town of Lowell, now City of South Bend, Portage Township, St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at <br />the Southwest corner of said lot 96; thence North 0°00’00” East (bearing assumed) along <br />the East right-of-way line of Niles Avenue a distance of 131.72 feet to the Northwest <br />corner of said lot 95; thence North 89°57’00” East along the North line of said lot 95 a <br />distance of 100.95 feet; thence North 0°04’55” West a distance of 65.92 feet to the North <br />line of said lot 94; thence North 89°54’56” East along said North line of distance of 65.00 <br />feet to the Northeast corner of said lot; thence South 0°04’56” East along the East line of <br />said lots a distance of 197.89 feet to the South line of said lot 96; thence North 89°58’41” <br />West along said South line a distance of 166.14 feet to the place of beginning containing <br />26,175 square feet (0.601 acres) more or less. Subject to any easements, covenants, or <br />restrictions of record <br />and which has Tax Key Numbers 18-5004-0079.01 and 18-5004-0072 at this point and <br />time, be designated as an Economic Revitalization Area under the provisions of Indiana <br />Code § 6-1.1-12.1 et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2-76 et seq., and; <br />17 <br /> <br />