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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 <br />enjoyed not only by residence of the City of South Bend, but by residents of Mishawaka, <br />St. Joseph County and a much larger region. Yet, the cost of providing those amenities <br />falls to the tax payers of the City of South Bend. Certainly, the greenhouses is one of <br />those and the Zoo is another, Coveleski Stadium, so many different kinds of things that <br />they support that makes this such a great community and are important to support. To be <br />honest, that is one of the other things that needs to change, as the City looks at the <br />structure of the tax system, is regional facilities should be supported on a regional basis, <br />rather than the central City, being required to maintain the cost for those. That is the <br />background in terms of the decision that has been made. Mayor Luecke stated that he <br />appreciates the comments and the support and the care for this facility as evidenced by <br />the community and he would be glad to have some further discussion with some of the <br />residence, but at this point, this issue remains a part of the City’s proposed budget for <br />2007. <br />Councilmember Kelly made a suggestion, that it was made mentioned tonight by the <br />people objecting to the demolition of the Greenhouse and Conservatories, that some <br />foundations could be sought, that supply money for these types of facilities. He <br />suggested that failing all else, that perhaps a task force should be formed of volunteers to <br />investigate precisely that. And find out where the money could come from, to support <br />the Greenhouse and Conservatories and maintain them in much better shape than they are <br />now. Again, it’s just a suggestion and he believes that it would be a good idea, obviously <br />the people who spoke against this item in the 2007 budget, indicated that they would <br />certainly help find support for such a wonderful facility. Start with them and expand the <br />task force to help solve a rather tough decision. <br />Councilmember Varner stated that the City has gone through this long and tedious <br />discussion on what is called City Plan. He stated that there was so much emphasis put on <br />walk ability and live ability, pubic venues and that sort of thing. If the $271,000 that was <br />proposed as a cost, strictly for operations, it seems that in some way, shape or form that <br />two-thirds of that old greenhouse could be shut down and no longer used for growing, but <br />in some way, shape or form, keep a part open at a much less cost. Some of the <br />conservatories can be maintained for several more years, you can’t put a six month <br />burden on these folks to try to raise that sort of money. The $35.00 per visitor, at 4,000 <br />visitors drops down $8.50 per visitor, if you get 8,000 visitors there. Annual cost of <br />operations and things at the College Football Hall of Fame is about $60.00 a visitor and <br />he noted that he is not in all in favor of this venue. So he believes that for $271,000, the <br />City can make an effort to save a historic structure, to the extent, that he can try to find <br />$271,000 to keep the Greenhouse and Conservatories open, he would be glad to do that. <br />Mayor Luecke reiterated that he would be glad to continue discussion on this. He <br />mentioned that the Zoological Society has petitioned local foundations for national <br />dollars, and as everyone knows that there is a lot of competition for those dollars. He <br />also reported that the Zoological Society has brought a lot of Capital support to the Zoo. <br />They looked as well for dollars and were less successful. Mayor Luecke stated that he <br />appreciated everyone’s comments and would be glad to meet with individuals and see if <br />there is a process to move forward. <br />Councilmember Charlotte Pfeifer made a motion to set Bill Nos. 55-06; 56-06; and 57-06 <br />for Third Reading on September 25, 2006, and continue in the Council Portion only. <br />Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) <br />ayes. <br />BILL NO. 58-06 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL FIXING <br /> MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES OF <br /> APPOINTED OFFICERS AND NON- <br /> BARGAINING EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF <br /> SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE <br /> CALENDAR YEAR 2007 <br />Councilmember Varner made a motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. <br />Councilmember Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight ayes. <br />10 <br /> <br />