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REGULAR MEETING <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />JANUARY 9, 2006 <br />BILL NO. 77-OS PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE <br />COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ANNEXING <br />TO AND BRINGING WITHIN THE CITY <br />LIMITS OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AND AMENDING THE ZONING <br />ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY <br />LOCATED IN GERMAN TOWNSHIP <br />CONTIGUOUS THEREWITH: <br />COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT #1, JOHN <br />D. GILLIS, SR. & JAY L. GILLIS <br />REVOCABLE TRUST DATED 2/12/2001, <br />SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PORTAGE <br />ROAD & BRICK ROAD, SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA <br />Councilmember Kuspa, Chairperson, Zoning & Annexation Committee, reported that this <br />Committee met this afternoon and it was the consensus of the Committee to send this bill <br />to the full council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. P. J. Thuringer, Staff Member, Area Plan Commission, 11~` Floor County-City <br />Building, South Bend, Indiana, presented the report from the Area Plan Commission. <br />Mr. Thuringer, advised that the petitioner is requesting a zone change from "R" <br />Residential to "O" Office to allow medical offices. On site is vacant, undeveloped, flat <br />land. To the north are single family homes and two churches zoned "R" Residential. To <br />the east is wooded undeveloped land zoned "R" Residential. To the south are single <br />family homes zoned "R" Residential. To the west are single family homes zoned "R" <br />Residential. The "O" Office District is established to promote the development of <br />general offices uses and complexes; professional health care uses and complexes; limited <br />public and semi-public uses; and, other uses which are generally compatible in physical <br />appearance and service requirements to office uses. The potential for the development of <br />multifamily dwellings is also provided. The total area of the site if 11.42 acres. The site <br />plan show one point of ingress/egress to Portage and two points of ingress/egress <br />accessing Brick Road. There are four buildings shown on the site plan. They are all to <br />be one-story in height. They are shown to be 15,000 square feet each. Buildings will <br />cover 12% of the site. Parking spaces (190) and drives will cover roughly 19% of the <br />site. Open space and landscaping makes up 69% of the area. The revised preliminary <br />site plan shows that there will be no buildings in the eastern 250 feet and that this area <br />will be left as open space and retention. The developer is willing to enter into written <br />commitments that the eastern 250 feet will be used only for open space, screening, and <br />retention. In 2004 and 2005 the Common Council of South Bend rezoned three different <br />sites for commercial zoning in this area. The first petition was roughly a half mile south <br />of Brick Road on the West side of Portage Road and was annexed and rezoned from "R" <br />Residential to "CB" Community Business. The second petition was also a half mile <br />south of Brick Road on the Westside of Portage Road and was rezoned to "OB" Office <br />Buffer, "MF2" High Density Multi-Family, and "CB" Community Business. The third <br />petition to rezone in this area was a half mile south of Brick Road on the east side of <br />Portage Road and was annexed and rezoned from "R" Residential to "CB" Community <br />Business. All of these sites were in close proximity to the Portage Road/Cleveland Road <br />commercial node. Brick Road is a two-lane residential road at this location. The Brick <br />Road right-of--way measures forty feet. In 2002, according to the MACOG traffic <br />counting program, 2790 cars daily drove on Brick Road just east of the Portage Road. <br />Portage Road is a two-lane road at this location between Michigan and the City of South <br />Bend. The right-of--way for Portage is sixty (60) feet. In 2003, MACOG counted 12,591 <br />cars on Portage Road south of Brick Road. The site will be served by City of South <br />Bend. The right-of--way for Portage is sixty (60) feet. In 2003, MACOG counted 12,591 <br />cars on Portage Road south of Brick Road. The site will be served by City of South Bend <br />municipal water and sanitary sewer. The City will impose certain developmental <br />