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Chairperson Rouse said remedies could be appropriately imposed. 7he result, he added would <br /> favor the entire community. <br /> Councilmember White asked how this bill would be enforced. Chairperson Rouse asked Council <br /> Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand to explain. She said the key provision to measure <br /> adherence would be the establishment of a nine-member review board and the creation of a new <br /> position referred to as a diversity compliance officer. This person would work with Lonnie <br /> Douglas, head of the Human Rights Commission, and be given the resources to monitor <br /> compliance. The structure would model an effective effort in the city of Evansville. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis asked whether the standards would apply to contracts not requiring <br /> a public bid. Councilmember Rouse assured him city resources were committed to seeing this <br /> was done. Director of Public Works, Gary Gilot, said there would necessarily be a transition <br /> period to implement and measure procedural changes. <br /> Chairperson Rouse responded saying we have to work together proactively. <br /> Citizen Member Murray Miller noticing a Chamber of Commerce appointment to the review board <br /> wondered why? <br /> Chief Deputy City Attorney Aladean DeRose noted, the newly created position would call for a <br /> person having legal and contractual expertise. <br /> The Mayor brought attention to the dollar costs associated with the bill and defended his efforts to <br /> make a positive impact on diversity. <br /> Chairperson Rouse pointed to the greater social costs of not acting proactively. Gary King said <br /> better efforts were needed to help, potential bidders wade through a too complicated bidding <br /> process. <br /> Lee Byers said the local efforts to help small business would help keep dollars local a benefit for <br /> everyone. <br /> Linda Wolfson argued the importance of having appointments to the review board be made by <br /> elected officials to assure accountability. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis asked whether the Park Board was bound by the ordinance and <br /> was assured that they were. <br /> Thereafter Henry Davis motioned the bill go to Council favorably. Councilmember Puzzello <br /> followed with a second and all affirmed. <br /> Under miscellaneous Rev. Sylvester Williams from WUBS radio proposed public access <br /> programming be hosted by his station. <br /> Councilmember White asked if the Council's IT Committee could take this proposal under <br /> consideration. She also asked Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand to draft a resolution <br /> to move forward with public access with South Bend funding contingent upon contributions from <br /> other governmental entities. <br /> Chairperson Rouse raised the prospect of the S. B. Council moving ahead with the idea of an <br /> economic summit. President Dieter said yes; but Councilmember Varner asked where the <br /> Council was going with this in terms of goals. He suggested examining the revenue side of <br /> funding sources of the City. Chairperson Rouse said all 10 revenue streams should be <br /> examined. <br />