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then find out they can't be used. Mr. Kirsits pointed out that as an old firefighter he <br /> always worries about fires — you find out there are seven or eight students in a house <br /> and several people may die due to overcrowding. Ms. Toppel stated most people have <br /> already signed their lease for next year. Tim Sexton asked that if a deposit is put down, <br /> can they get it back, will they then get help from the City? Ms. Toppel assured him that <br /> her files can be subpoenaed to find out what the owner knew and that action would <br /> bring someone in to Court to testify. <br /> NEIGHBORHOODS - ALTERNATIVE HOUSING <br /> Mr. Kramer inquired if the City of South Bend would be opposed to a student designated <br /> area for housing. Marquerite asked if he meant on campus and he said no - it's a rite of <br /> passage — they want to spread their wings —would it make sense to build nice houses <br /> that could be a gated area where the students woufd feel safe that follows the <br /> guidelines that the City lays out. It would help the blighted areas to put this in — <br /> particularly specific areas. <br /> Mr. Kirsits said this has been done before — in blighted areas where you can put in <br /> student housing - this does not preclude Indianapolis Police from coming in and doing <br /> what they have to do. Tim Sexton stated that the NE Neighborhood runs from <br /> Twyckenham down to Jefferson and Mr. Kramer responded that he thought the NE <br /> Neighborhood would win as well. He has been buying two bedroom houses, renting it <br /> to undergrads or families, this is on Miner Street— bought it because of the gang graffiti- <br /> painted it- put 50k in it and made it viable. There are other houses on Miner that are the <br /> same way — gang graffitied, fire hazards, overcrowded, etc., - these are sources of <br /> problems for students and neighborhoods. Tearing them down is not the answer. Until <br /> we get some cohesiveness in these blighted areas, there has to be some area good for <br /> this idea. <br /> Mr. Kirsits brought up the question of restructuring and zoning and Dick Nussbaum <br /> stated that he did not think this was the forum for this discussion though he was sure <br /> Mr. Kramer had good intentions and he suggested that if a plan was submitted to the <br /> NENC — that would be the best route as their mission is to bring back single family <br /> households and they have done a really good job. Mr. Kramer agreed that this is not <br /> the forum to discuss this issue. <br /> Marguerite Taylor stated that she wanted to say one thing. The NNRO and NENC — <br /> they are the winners of revitalization of the NE Neighborhood. It's not about the <br /> students — we don't call the Police if you are having a party — we call them when there <br /> are 500 people there. Students bring stuff to the neighborhood and I don't think you will <br /> ever get permission to have a community within a community. Mr. Kramer said he did <br /> not mean to offend anyone. <br />