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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND ( OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Margret Plump, 302 S. Chicago Street, asked, What would it take to have a fair balance? It's not <br /> fair. We are out here and it is getting ready to open in two (2) months and we don't know what's <br /> going on. Then we sit and look at everybody and you're telling me we're getting a fair deal? The <br /> Blacks aren't being included and we would like for a fair balance. We want our children coming <br /> up to have a career. It's just not fair. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I think we are going to move on. I think item number one (1) and <br /> two (2) are related and we will add to that. <br /> Antonius Northern, Manager of Engagement for the Bloomberg Mayor's Challenge with offices <br /> on the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, Firstly, when looking at employment and <br /> jobs for the folks on the West Side, the Council approved a study to figure out what is going on in <br /> the neighborhood so that is one (1) viable option for youth, even if we don't have a locked down <br /> idea of the programming.In addition to that,we are taking a look at a program that Councilmember <br /> Williams-Preston was referring to and that is called Youth Build.It is a thirty(30)year old program <br /> that takes around forty (40) youth and outfits them with the skills of construction and trades. The <br /> most important part, though, and I think it speaks to what Henry was speaking about with kids at <br /> the Chamber of Commerce, as a young black man you have to know that is because they are <br /> hanging out with their uncles or their aunties or their fathers. That comes from an internal <br /> community building space. The real question is what does this community need? When we find <br /> that out, we can then outfit the youth of this community with the skills necessary to serve this <br /> community. That, I think, is the core thing to strengthen our youth and have them stay engaged. <br /> We plan to send our application in for that grant by around.the middle of September 2018. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I recommend that we compile a comprehensive list of all the <br /> initiatives so that we all know the information and can share that with our constituents. There are <br /> a lot of programs but when we begin to look at different expectations from the different <br /> communities within one (1) community, I think that is important. <br /> George Jones, 256 N. Sheridan Street, stated, I know we have talked about the Charles Black <br /> Center and the programming. Can we go on to number three (3) for the infrastructure and Smart <br /> Streets? <br /> Committee Chair White replied, Absolutely. And this isn't going to be where we come once and <br /> then not come back. We will come back to you all with more information and more people to <br /> answer your questions and concerns. We talked about one (1) and two (2), item three (3)has been <br /> touched on. I shared information in regards to the time frame for that work to begin and finish. <br /> Item number four (4) is a plan that creates open store fronts to black businesses. At our last <br /> meeting, and I'll make copies, I was asked to go to Community Investment to identify the City- <br /> owned vacant lots as well as private owned. We do have that list. But when we talk about open <br /> store fronts, what does that look like? What businesses are they? How do we encourage them to <br /> come? How will that be sustained? <br /> Councilmember Scott informally asked the body, Has this Neighborhood Alliance met with <br /> anybody from our Department of Community Investment? <br /> Mr. Davis Jr. replied,No, sir. We did meet with Jacob a while ago and Alkeyna, but I don't know <br /> how far into leadership you are asking. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson BvldI South Bend,Indiana 466011p574.235.92211f574.235.9173 <br /> 6 <br />