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Councilmember Broden then asked, Have we expressed other options and exhausted all <br /> understanding of all the implications of what assuming these responsibilities are? I'm interested <br /> in making sure we know we are able to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. I would <br /> like to know more about the conversation between the lawyers as well as the composition of the <br /> Commission itself. <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, The only change contemplated here is moving the staff onto our payroll. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, But we are also absorbing a Commission. How can you foster the <br /> autonomy to be sure the Historic Preservation Commission continues to serve preservation <br /> interests? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, Our planning team deals with these types of issues all the time whether it be <br /> development or other restrictions we want to see on land. We also believe Historic Preservation <br /> adds important value in neighborhoods across the City. We have resources that the County didn't <br /> have. So when we look at the Redevelopment Commission we are looking at the Lafayette <br /> Building and the Fat Daddy's Building. If an entity says we need to preserve this building but no <br /> one is willing to fund what it takes to save the building, we have just now created a building that <br /> is crumbling apart that is not saved. <br /> Kareemah Fowler, City Clerk with offices on the 4t' floor of the County-City Building, stated, <br /> This move would also help with the enforcement piece. Once it is under the City, we could <br /> enforce just like we do regular code violations through the Ordinance Violations Bureau and <br /> through Code Enforcement. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, Going forward this actually gives the Council more authority <br /> over something that we have never had authority over before. From a budgetary standpoint, we <br /> will appropriate money every year and also review their vision, goals and objectives. I look at <br /> this as a positive thing. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, How much of this budget has to be a part of it right now? We don't <br /> have all the information from the County. I do believe we need to have oversight. I just want the <br /> Council to consider this. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, The County will receive our concerns and I'm sure they will <br /> address those. However, the Council needs to make a decision on this on October 23, 2017. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, My understanding is that the County isn't going to fund this <br /> fully no matter what, other than what is agreed upon here. I think there is going to be more <br /> control. The information Councilmember Davis is asking for, I'm not sure the County even has. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston stated, I would like to know what is going on with <br /> the Citizen's Review Board. The Mayor has stated the Board of Public Safety is, essentially, our <br /> Citizen's Review Board. He also said that our Board has more power than most other similar <br /> Boards across the county. However,the Administration has also made clear they want the Board <br /> to be responsive to what is being asked for from citizens. The Public Safety position could be a <br /> 5 <br />