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James Mueller, Executive Director of Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, The Administration's understanding is that the TIF Funds are their <br /> own taxing unit. They never cross through the General Fund. We will defer to Mr. Palmer's <br /> research for your purposes. Our understanding of the legality is that we can't restrict those funds <br /> that the Redevelopment Commission appropriates. The Mayor signed the resolution that <br /> explicitly stated no funds would be spent on construction until the completion of the economic <br /> impact and feasibility study. The Administration is committed to that. <br /> Stephanie Steele, Corporation Counsel for the City of South Bend with offices on the 12th floor <br /> of the County-City Building, stated, I would like to thank the Council for the opportunity to <br /> update the Councilmembers on the Legal Department's Budget for fiscal year 2018. It is an <br /> honor to serve the City as Corporation Counsel and we want to be sure everyone has the most <br /> information available at the time. This Department has a history of excellence and many <br /> impressive accomplishments thanks to the quality of the staff. I'm fortunate to have many of the <br /> same personnel that has been there for a number of years and we are excited to continue serving <br /> the citizens of South Bend. There are some changes we have made to the 2018 budget. Having <br /> served as a member of this team for three (3) years prior to my most recent appointment, I feel <br /> strongly in investing into three (3) specific areas. It will solidify our Department and will create a <br /> workplace culture that will allow us to thrive and succeed as well as reward and retain top talent. <br /> The three (3) areas we are focusing on are Teamwork, Cross-Training and Professional <br /> Development. The Legal Department has always had a wonderful team but this year I am <br /> challenging the Department to help their neighbor more than they have in the past to assist <br /> colleagues in need and to ensure that none of our attorneys are siloed in their respective practice <br /> areas. We are moving more toward buckets of expertise. The second area of emphasis is cross- <br /> training. By training staff in one another's practice areas,they can better support their team and <br /> fill in for each other during heavy workflow times. This builds rapport among colleagues and <br /> contributes to the trust and security of the team. It also helps us to make sure we are better able <br /> to serve the City. Professional Development is an integral part of staying on top of the most <br /> current legal issues. I want my team to know that they are encouraged in their growth as lawyers <br /> and I want to give them the resources and encouragement to expand their skillsets and use their <br /> knowledgebase to advance the mission of the City. <br /> Ms. Steele continued, To support our objectives, I recognized four (4) areas that needed to be <br /> adjusted in our budget. Moving through 2017 and into 2018, 1 will be filling two (2) attorney <br /> openings and need to account for health insurance costs for all twelve (12) members in our <br /> Department. This will help me to build and maintain our team. It will also help me to attract <br /> talent who is looking for health insurance coverage. Retaining and rewarding top legal talent is a <br /> growing priority for our Department. I would like to propose amending the salary cap to actual <br /> adjustment to give more flexibility to increase salaries in 2018. A raise in salary depends on <br /> positive performance reviews and successful achievement of identified departmental and <br /> individual objectives. An important incentive for Assistant City Attorneys is to know their <br /> Indiana Bar License fees, which are required to practice in the State of Indiana, are covered by <br /> the Legal Department. I would like to support our team by funding their dues. That makes about <br /> an eight hundred dollar ($800) increase in our budget. Staying current in the legal field is a <br /> paramount concern, particularly when it comes to specialized municipal trainings, conferences <br /> and seminars. I want my team to be competitive and well-versed in the prominent legal issues <br /> 2 <br />