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Councilmember Broden asked, Do we have dollar amounts and numbers on the time spent from <br /> our IT Department on the 911 Call Center? I think that would be helpful as we go forward, <br /> especially as we look to renegotiate the Interlocal agreement. <br /> Mr. Garces replied, Our Business Analytics division has helped them and really, for us, it has <br /> just been wanting to make sure it is successful. <br /> Councilmember Broden then asked, Are your grant applications available online? What are we <br /> applying for and what are we trying to get at? <br /> Mr. Garces replied,Not yet. That is definitely a possibility. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What is involvement of the Council for the annual survey to <br /> assess resident satisfaction? <br /> Mr. Garces replied, There are several other cities that have integrated the survey into the <br /> performance management metric. We can get data that is statistically significant. For the most <br /> part,the idea is to use what has been used in other cities but by all means we welcome all <br /> Council involvement. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, Seeing how hard you all work, I think the <br /> Councilmembers should be getting at least$25,000. I also think the City government's website <br /> should look like the County's. <br /> Sharon Banicki, 3822 Ford Street, stated, Recently someone tried to go online on the City <br /> website to register their rental property and it was a nightmare. Will the City Clerk's presentation <br /> be available for the public? <br /> Bill Dunn, 1620 Southwood Avenue, asked, Who can I contact to be able to better understand <br /> working with the Data Portal you have out there? In the annual reports a couple years back, one <br /> (1) of the goals was to have an open checkbook application. In 2016, it looks like that faded. I <br /> didn't see anything like that. Will that still be a reality? <br /> Mr. Garces replied, There is a comment section in the data sets so if you have questions or <br /> comments you can put them there, and they will be answered. We currently don't have a training <br /> program for the Data Portal but we are thinking about putting one (1) together. We are working <br /> on the open checkbook. One (1) of the challenges is making sure when we are upgrading systems <br /> that all the other interacting interfaces are still able to work together. <br /> Jessie Davis,P.O. Box 10205, stated, The old Data Portal was very easy to use. I could gather <br /> information for seven (7) years off of that. A lot of that information I now can't find anymore. <br /> One (1)thing was the accounts payable. Also, employee compensation is near impossible to find <br /> now. I am also curious about the data outreach to neighborhoods. <br /> 6 <br />