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Committeemember Voorde asked, How do you handle cutting overgrowth? <br /> Mr. Wilkerson replied, Previously we would cite this property to make the owner do it.Now we <br /> do it and bill the property owner. <br /> Committee Chair White asked, Have you seen an increase in illegal dumping?And have you <br /> seen an increase in graffiti? <br /> Mr. Wilkerson replied, We are getting better at investigating whether or not it was an illegal <br /> dump. We are still seeing a number of dumps. <br /> Fire Department <br /> Steve Cox, Fire Chief of the South Bend Fire Department located at 1222 S. Michigan Street, <br /> stated, Thank you for hearing our budget presentation. I have with me many other members of <br /> our Department to answer any questions you may have. Our mission statement says the Fire <br /> Department exists to provide our community with the highest quality of emergency services <br /> protecting life and property through education, response and dynamic outreach. I read that on <br /> purpose because often times we talk about all the ancillary stuff we do such as recruitment and <br /> public education items. Our primary mission is to respond to emergency situations in the <br /> community. This year alone we have already responded to close to 20,000 calls. We are an all <br /> hazards response organization so anything outside the law enforcement responses is handled by <br /> the Fire Department. Back in the day we just responded to fire but we are now jacks of all trades. <br /> The Department Vision was developed by Fire Fighters on the Department through the strategic <br /> planning Committee. We put it together back in 2014 and Council approved it. It has a lot of <br /> overlapping segments with the City's mission. <br /> Gerard Ellis, Fire Captain for the South Bend Fire Department located at 1222 S. Michigan <br /> Street, stated, We deal with three (3) different Funds for retirees. We have the old 1937 Fund,the <br /> old 1977 Fund and the true 1977 Fund. The pension portion is paid by the State. The City's <br /> obligation in payment comes out of the 1937 and the old 1977 Fund. From this time of last year <br /> we have lost fifteen (15) retirees and six (6) widows. He continued briefly describing the graph <br /> provided in the presentation(which is available in the City Clerk's Office). He continued, One <br /> (1) of my main roles with the pension Fund is simply having something there to help these <br /> individuals through the process. I budgeted a three percent (3%) increase. <br /> Chief Cox continued, I will now discuss the overall budget summary for the Department. In the <br /> 101 Fund, Personnel and Services are just over$18 million. Supplies and Services are at about <br /> $1.5 million. Allocations and Insurance is at about $1.5 million as well, all totaling $21.26 <br /> million. In our LOIT Fund which is our 249 Fund we carry all salaries. $3.3 million is for <br /> salaries and benefits. The EMS Capital Fund is getting changed with the way it is utilized. We <br /> are wanting to move everything from the 287 Fund to the 288 Fund. 287 was set up a couple of <br /> years ago to cover capital expenses using EMS reimbursement to do so. We have had a lot of <br /> conversations about how to cover that EMS reimbursement money. For the 2018 budget, we <br /> tried to wrap all of our EMS expenses and house it all in Fund#288. That is projected at a little <br /> 4 <br />