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Councilmember Scott asked, Are you fielding phone calls about the hotels? <br /> Ms. Belew replied, Yes and we have already started looking at events that we have previously <br /> lost due to lack of occupancy. This is also getting us talking about employment retention to make <br /> sure we can absorb the increased activity. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, How many employees do you have on the hourly payroll? <br /> Ms. Belew answered, We have about twenty-two (22) full-time employees and the rest are <br /> hourly. It costs us about $30,000 a year to pay for the hourly employees. We are always looking <br /> for more part-time banquet servers,though. <br /> Mr. Perri stated, I have members of our team with me to answer any lingering questions you may <br /> have. We have so many Divisions that support one (1) another. We have commissioned a group <br /> to evaluate our joint management structure to deliver some recommendations on how to <br /> approach that joint management. The mission of VPA prioritizes recreation, arts, culture, <br /> economic and neighborhood development, health and wellness, and overall improvement to our <br /> quality of place. We have many accomplishments in 2017. We recognized$100,000 in savings <br /> for increased efficiency through consolidation of managements and structure for our main <br /> venues. These were the low-hanging fruit opportunities. We anticipate more savings moving <br /> forward. Branding has also helped increase understanding of what VPA is doing. We hired a <br /> Development Director last fall and that position has brought in well over$100,000 of revenues <br /> already. We won the $5 million Regional Cities Grant that we reported on earlier this year. We <br /> created the Ecological Advocacy Committee and they drafted the Natural Resources <br /> Management Plan that the Park Board is yet to adopt. Our cost recovery has moved up from <br /> nineteen percent(19%)to twenty-eight percent (28%) and we hope to get that to forty percent <br /> (40%). Staffmg levels will remain neutral this year. There will be no program or athletic fee <br /> increases this year. <br /> Mr. Perri continued, We are piloting the Mobile Experience Vehicle where it can go around the <br /> parks and it'll have programs and things related to health and wellness. We will sustain and <br /> retain all staff and programming throughout all renovations. We are also increasing the <br /> scholarship fund by $25,000. This helps the cost barrier of participation to be lowered for low- <br /> income youth. All maintenance will be sustained and continued. Parking garage revenues are at <br /> an all-time high and we are reinvesting in the garages with some capital improvements. He then <br /> showed a video that advertised the My South Bend Parks& Trails Initiative. He continued, Over <br /> the years it has felt like we make a plan and then we put it on the shelf, not touching it again. It <br /> was time to dust them all off and put them all together. This plan addresses every major capital <br /> improvement identified in the 2014 Master Plan. He then showed a slide that visualized the <br /> effect that VPA has on quality of life. He showed maps of all current capital improvement <br /> projects as well as the proposed improvements to come throughout the City's Park System. He <br /> stated, This plan does call for additional green space in the City. It could be that we buy and <br /> build a brand new park but could also be us partnering with an entity that already has a park. We <br /> partnered with Notre Dame to create a public access map. A good National benchmark is to live <br /> within ten(10)minutes from a park. The map depicted our system to be in the top twenty (20) <br /> 7 <br />