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proposing to bring the salary of the Community Outreach Director in line with the other <br /> leadership positions in the office. The Mayor went over a number of our accomplishments but <br /> there are a few accomplishments specific to the Mayor's Office. Specifically, the South Bend <br /> Youth Task Force brings in young people that are engaged in City business, and the Mayor is <br /> incredibly proud of their work. There are a few challenges and goals we have for 2018. The <br /> Mayor is very focused on trying to curb the opioid crisis here in South Bend, the lead-exposure <br /> to children in the community and the gun violence. <br /> Council President Tim Scott stated, There are three (3) things in the budget that are County- <br /> dependent—the fiscal curb, PSAP and the Healthy Homes Initiative. What are we doing with the <br /> County to address these issues? I also enjoy the PDF format with this. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked, Can we please get further explanation on the proposed <br /> fourteen point eight percent(14.8%) salary increase? Also, what are the assumptions in numbers <br /> with regard to the increase in technology expenditures for the City? <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, Could you please identify the locations and times of when <br /> and where these materials will be made available for public viewing?How can the ordinary <br /> citizen find these documents in advance of these meetings? <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston asked, What does the diversity look like on the <br /> internship program? How are we ensuring those opportunities are offered to a diverse group? <br /> Also, what does the diversity of recruitment numbers for the South Bend Police Department look <br /> like? I would also like to know more about the proposed salary increase for the Community <br /> Outreach Director. Is there any money in the budget for increased home testing for lead and <br /> mold? The grant that we didn't get, the City pledged, I think, $100,000. Where is that money and <br /> could that money still be used? I would also like more information on the gun violence initiative. <br /> All questions asked from Committee and Councilmembers were recorded for the record, and will <br /> be fully answered and published by the Mayor's Office at a later date. <br /> Legal Department <br /> Cristal Brisco, Corporation Counsel with offices on the 12th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> stated, Thank you for the opportunity to present the Legal Department budget for your review, <br /> consideration and, hopefully, approval. This is my last budget presentation as Corporation <br /> Counsel. Before I begin, I would like to let you all know how extremely grateful I am for having <br /> served you all. When I joined the City in 2014, I set forth a vision to provide high quality <br /> representation with integrity, competency, professionalism and civility. The entire Legal <br /> Department lives and fulfills that vision on a daily basis and I am confident that the new <br /> Corporation Counsel, Stephanie Steele, will continue that. I believe it was during the 2015 <br /> Budget Kick-Off where Councilmember Oliver Davis quoted Jacob Lew, the Secretary to the <br /> U.S. Treasury that stated, "A budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our <br /> values and aspirations." That is a quote I wrote on a post-it note and I've kept it in mind <br /> throughout the budget process. It has been good to see, going through this process, that our <br /> values have been reflected. The Legal Department is committed to the well-governed and <br /> 2 <br />