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bond money committed in addition to the five million dollar($5 million) grant through the <br /> Regional Cities program. This investment will allow us to transform what it means to live in the <br /> City with great green spaces. I know the VPA team is excited to brief you in more detail on that. <br /> We have also made the trip to Chicago a lot quicker through partnerships across the region to <br /> address the South Shore Line. We are also addressing Public Health. Several issues have <br /> surfaced in the community. Some of them are nothing new but they are certainly getting the <br /> attention which is deserved. We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to help. This <br /> includes making sure we are taking measures to reduce the exposure of children to lead <br /> poisoning. Our water is fine but our children, in some cases, are not and that is largely the result <br /> of exposure that takes place in older homes. We think we can take $200,000 in Federal funds, <br /> some of which are the existing South Bend Home Improvement grants, and add up to $100,000 <br /> in City resources which are more flexible than the Federal funds and spend it on the mitigation of <br /> lead exposure. I don't want to pretend and think that is going to be everything required, but we <br /> think it is a step up from what we've got and we want to see if it makes the difference that we <br /> hope it will. <br /> He continued, We are also including funding for a rental safety inspection pilot program. We <br /> want to make sure we have the training and resources in our Code Enforcement Department to <br /> take a new look at rental inspections. This is specific to health. It is not just lead as there are <br /> other issues like black mold that children could be exposed to. We think the City needs more <br /> eyes, ears and teeth when it comes to being able to address these issues. That is why we are <br /> requesting funding for a Healthy Homes Inspection Program. A lot of substance abuse issues <br /> have also been in the news. The Council has dealt with Synthetic Marijuana with an ordinance <br /> that was passed on Monday. We have also had a lot of attention on the opioid crisis which, we <br /> now believe, has overtaken vehicle accidents as the leading cause of preventable death in our <br /> community. We believe that some City funding for expanding access to treatment for substance <br /> use and overdose issues is something that will pay off. <br /> He went on, We also think there is an opportunity around early childhood education. It is a bit of <br /> a chicken-and-egg problem. We currently have more demand than we can meet in terms of <br /> having more seats in quality educational programs and more teachers as well as more funding. <br /> We think there is an opportunity to intervene in a particular part of that which is investing in <br /> capacity building for the community. We are asking the Council to support us in doing that. If it <br /> is successful, we are likely to expand that in future years. Public Health also addresses the issue <br /> of gun violence. Many of the experts in the field are talking about it as an epidemic and saying <br /> we should use epidemiological tools to deal with it. This is in keeping with our Group Violence <br /> Intervention Initiative. We are asking for a shot in the arm for community policing by creating an <br /> outreach unit that would allow us to have individuals on the street helping to intervene in cycles <br /> of retribution and violence to prevent the violence from spreading and becoming more and more <br /> of a problem. Even though our violent crime index in our community is down dramatically from <br /> what it was like when I was a child growing up here,there is a distinct uptick in violent crime <br /> shootings here in South Bend and in most of the country, and we want to do everything we can to <br /> stop that from escalating. <br /> He continued, We found a site solution for Fire Station nine (9) that make sense from a fire <br /> suppression standpoint as well as a neighborhood standpoint. In economic development, our <br /> 3 <br />