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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Broden followed up, Ok but looking at the criteria, specifically not adversely <br /> affecting the surrounding area property values, there were several recommendations that spoke <br /> about landscaping. <br /> Ms. Smith replied,Our recommendation was to utilize the alley that comes in there for part of their <br /> access which would allow them to kind of reconfigure this a little bit. The main goal was to allow <br /> for some more green space. There is another church up the road that has a parking lot and they <br /> have been able to maintain a greater setback. So the petitioner was working to reconfigure it to get <br /> more green space. The Board granted the variances. <br /> Committeemember Broden followed up, Yeah, I would be inclined to ask that but the architect is <br /> not here. I have questions,in particular,I mean,I like that addition of green space. It looks like the <br /> sidewalk on both the south and west part of the property will remain. And I guess, in terms of <br /> adjacent neighbor, there is an existing fence but I'm concerned about screening to the adjacent <br /> house. <br /> Karl Nichols, 1530 College Street, stated, I haven't seen the updated plan either but the plan is to <br /> move those parking spots back so there will be more room for green space. I have not seen the <br /> updated plan, though. We do plan to start it upon the approval. We have many elderly members <br /> and the topography is such that when it gets wet or snowy, it is very dangerous. This will be a safe <br /> place for them to park. <br /> Councilmember Karen White asked, Has this lot been used for the funeral home? <br /> Mr.Nichols replied, They have used it in the past when there is overflow. <br /> Committeemember Broden asked, And the curb cuts will remain? <br /> Ms. Smith replied, Those will require approval by the City Engineer when they come in for their <br /> permanent location permit. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated,My concern is the screening on the back with that house.I would <br /> like to see the screening there and the setback. I am all for it but I don't like the fact we are dealing <br /> with what may or may not happen. I would like to see something concrete and otherwise I would <br /> prefer to wait until we have exactly what is going to happen. <br /> Bernie Feeney, 715 S. Michigan Street, stated, I am here on behalf of Gethsemane Church, the <br /> owners of the property under consideration. The site plan you have before you is either the old site <br /> plan or the new site plan, I'm not sure which. The new site plan is a reflection of an attempt to <br /> modify the original site plan submitted for ABZA in compliance and conformance with the <br /> recommendations that occurred at the ABZA. Those recommendations were requesting the access <br /> to the parking lot to be, instead of coming directly off of Walnut, from the alley. The screening <br /> will be a fence along the west property line that would screen all of the vehicles from the residence <br /> to the east. <br /> Ms. Smith and Mr. Feeney then informally discussed a discrepancy in two (2) different site plans. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked, If you guys regroup, do you have to go back to Area Plan? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.55671 <br /> 2 <br />