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Community and Ecnnnmic C7evelnpment Committee <br />September 25, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />In response to a question from Council Member Dieter, Mr. Sellers stafed thaf he would <br />fled auf whaf percentage fhe funding for the Center for the Nameless is of fheir entire <br />budgef. <br />Mr. Gibney noted that upgrades have been requested for the Habitat Homes with the <br />subsidies listed helping to fund such upgrades. <br />Beth Leonard noted that: <br />Public Comment Period begins September 28' 2007 and ends October 31, 2007 <br />® Two {2} public hearings will be held an October 11, 2007 @ 2:30 pm and 5:30 <br />pm <br />® November 11, 2007 will be the date of the public hearing on the appropriation <br />ordinance before the South Bend Common Council <br />Mr. Gibney noted that Pam Meyer will be taking over the planning, monitoring, etc. <br />responsibilities for CDBG, ESF and HOME, with Judy Rosheck and John Sellers <br />working with Pam; and that Beth Leonard will be a development analyst. <br />Council Member Dieter thanked everyone for the information and then adjourned the <br />Committee meeting at 5:10 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Council Member Derek Dieter, Chairperson <br />Community Econo~"i Develapm~nt Committee <br />Attachment ~ ~ ~ ~ ®.~ <br />