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Community and Eeonomiic Development Committee <br />2007 Sough Bend Common Council <br />The September 25, 2007 meeting of the Community and Economic Development <br />Committee of the South Bend Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, <br />Council Member Derek D. Dieter at 4:30 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter and Puzzello; Citizen Member <br />Phil Panzica, Citizen Member Martin Wolfson, Jeff Gibney, Tom Price, Pam Meyer, <br />Judy Rosheck, Jahn Sellers, Martha Lewis, and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br />Attorney. <br />Council Member Dieter noted that the Committee members include Council Members <br />Kelly, Puzzello, White, and himself; and Phil Panzica Marty Wolfson serve as citizen <br />members. <br />Administration°s Recommendations on CDBGIHOMEIESG: <br />Council Member Dieter welcomed the Administrative staff members of the Community <br />and Economic Development Committee to the meeting and asked for a presentation on <br />their recommendations for CDBGIHOMEIESG funds. <br />Jeff Gibney, interim Executive Director highlighted items on the two-page handout <br />entitled "HCD Application far Program Year 200$" (copy attached). He noted that: <br />2008 CDBG Entitlement Amount = $2,730,372 (assumes a 5% cut) <br />Reprogrammable funds = $ 360,083 <br />Section 108 Laan = $ 0 <br />Program income - $ 217,000 <br />Total available for 20U8 = 3 3{37 455 <br />The three (3) federal sources of income for neighborhood revitalization for low and <br />moderate income are: <br />• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />• HOME <br />• Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) <br />Mr. Gibney noted that there were 68 applications which were reviewed by Pam Meyer, <br />Beth Leonard and himself with 44%.of those being recommended for funding. <br />