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07/01/1935 Board of Public Safety Minutes
Public Safety
07/01/1935 Board of Public Safety Minutes
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Board of Public Safety
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Controller for immediate payment. <br />Several representatives of the various Labor Unions in South Bend <br />appeared before the Board and read letters from Harry B. Martin, Secretary of <br />the Elmira Trades and Labor Assembly of Elmira, New York and H. W. Brown, <br />General Vice President of the International Association of Machinists of <br />Washington, D. C., stating their position regarding the purchase of Fire <br />Dep3.rtment Pumper for which the City is now in the market, bringing out the <br />fact that they recommend the purchase be made from a concern that is one hundred <br />.per ent Union Labor and stating that the American LaFrance & Foamito Industries <br />s such a eoneern. These representatives were informed that the matter of <br />i vestigation of Pumper was now in the hands of a Committee of Engineers, <br />s lected by the Mayor, who would investigate the merits of the various offers <br />and that the Board's first duty was to purchase this Pumper from a concern who <br />could furnish the highest standard of efficiency such as the City required. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT- Chief Lane present: <br />The Secretary presented to the Board a communication from Officer Rex <br />Ris er of his resignation as a member of the South Bend Police Department, to <br />bee me effective July 1, 1935. The Board accepted his resignation. <br />Due to the resignation of Officer Risher, the Board on conferring with <br />Chief Lane filled this vacancy by the appointment of Albert Pope, colored, to <br />police duty beginning July lst, subject to his being passed upon by physical <br />examination by the Police Surgeon and subject to assignment as to duties by <br />the Chief of Police - his salary to be that of probation officer the first six <br />mon hs. <br />Chief Lane introduced Mr. Ware, instructor of First -Aid, and suggested <br />that it would be a splendid inovation to have Police Officers instructed in <br />classes for First -Aid. The Board adopted the plan and authorized the Chief to <br />institute classes of twenty five to thirty Officers at a time to take these <br />instructions from Mr. Ware once a week for fifteen weeks - the allotted expense <br />bei g the purchase of sufficient instruction books to equip the classes, being <br />app oximately thirty books at a charge of sixty cents per book. These classes <br />t_o Degin July 8th and, .after the first is completed, a new set of Officers is <br />_. to take the instruction. <br />The Secretary reported that he had had a conference with Mr. E. J. Cox and <br />was informed that from July 1st no W.P.A. help could be obtained for the paint- <br />ing of curbs and streets because of the fact that the work involved in any <br />project must be of such a character and constructed in such places and by such <br />methods and devices as will meet the legal requirements concerning the expend- <br />iture of public funds and that the expense of maintenance under which this work <br />wou d be classified does not come within these legal requirements. The Chief <br />rep rted that he had had a later conference with Tier. Cox and that he had been <br />pro ised at least partial relief for a matter of a few weeks. <br />A communication was received from Officer Edward Moritz, requesting leave' <br />of absence from the Police Force for the month of July. On conferring with the <br />Chief, this request was granted. <br />The letter from the Mayor suggesting transfer of Police Boat from the Fire <br />Department to the Police Department was taken up with the Chief and he was <br />instructed to take this over as of July 15th. <br />The matter referred to in the Mayor's letter regarding the Police School, <br />as a result of the attendance at convention in Indianapolis by the three Officers <br />was taken up with the Chief and he reported that these schools of instruction <br />are now in progress at each Roll Call of the Officers. <br />Official bond of Harold A. Whitmer in the United States Fidelity and <br />Gua anty Company was approved by the Board. <br />The meeting adjourned at 11:00 A. M. <br />Chairman <br />T: Clerk <br />. <br />
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