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August 25, 20(}7 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />Page 6 <br />Mr. St. Clair stated that Judy Smith will remain as the point person for the remainder of <br />2007. <br />The other grant is the Building Blocks Grant from EDIT. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, the $125,000 on page 13 for land <br />improvements is not for acquisition. Mr. St. Clair stated that they currently do not have <br />specific plans for this money. <br />Mr. St. Clair commended Council Member Puzzello for her participation at Park Board <br />meetings as well as Park Department staff meetings. He appreciates her commitment to <br />the Park Department. <br />Dr. Varner had a series of questions for the City Controller with regard to the budget <br />process and the budget appropriation process. <br />Ms. Fanello stated that the process used here is the same as that used in other <br />communities throughout the state. She noted that under state law only the <br />Redevelopment Commission may appropriate TlF monies. <br />Council Member Pfeifer thanked everyone for attending, and then adjourned the meeting <br />at 10:54 a.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />~.~~ -.~~ <br />Council Member Charlotte D. Pfeifer, Chairperson <br />Personnel and Finance Committee <br />Attachment <br />