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August 25, 2flQ7 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />Page 2 <br />The City Controller stated that if items are pulled from the draft budget, the the City <br />Administration could come back in .anuary or February with a supplemental appropriation, <br />Dr. Varner inquired about the capital requests. <br />Ms. Fanello stated that the capital requests are "generic appropriations, with expenditures <br />being required to stay within capital guidelines". <br />In response to a question from Council Member Puzzella, Ms, Fanello stated that monies <br />can be moved within a category, otherwise a transfer~would be requited. She added that <br />°budgets are only guestimates for the year", <br />Council Member Pfeifer requested an update from the City Administration on what results <br />have been realized from having the Chamber position. Mayor Luecke also suggested that <br />the individual come in and meet with the Council. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the Board of Public Works recently signed a contract with DTSB for <br />$250,000. He suggested that this appropriation only be acted upon when the City knows <br />what goals and objectives are to be addressed. He added that DTSB should be treated <br />like Project Future and the Chamber requested appropriations. He noted that DTSB's <br />990s do nat come to the Office of the City Clerk and believes that they should. Dr. Varner <br />noted that the Council should have updates from DTSB on their accounts receivables, <br />whether debts are being carried over,etc., in light of their past financial problems, <br />Council Member Pfeifer stated that DTSB should come in along with Project Future and <br />the Chamber of Commerce and address their appropriation requests. <br />Ms. Fannello stated that Building Blocks should be listed at $85,000 and that the summary <br />sheets need to be updated, which the Administration will do. She added that Work Force <br />Diversity Initiative is added at $200,000. Mayor Luecke stated that the program <br />addressing programs for returning offenders to the community to help them get <br />employment after serving time in prison. <br />Dr. Varner questioned whether this project fits into the City's duties, especially in light of <br />upcoming challenges of the Circuit Breaker. <br />~ ~ Council Member Pfeifer suggested that a separate committee meeting be <br />called to receive needed information on requested appropriations from <br />representatives of Project Future, the Chamber of Commerce, DTSB, and the Work <br />Force Diversity Initiafive. {-- ~ <br />Ms. Fanello stated that the Neighborhood Resources Corporation {NRC} is proposed at <br />$25,000. <br />