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U � d <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER, CITY CLERK <br /> COMMUNITY INVESTMENT JUNE 11, 2018 4:22 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Regina Williams-Preston, Oliver Davis, <br /> Sharon L. McBride, Thomas Villing (citizen member) <br /> Committee Members Absent: None <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Jo M. Broden, John Voorde, Jake Teshka, Karen <br /> White <br /> Other Council Absent: None <br /> Others Present: Beth Leonard-Inks <br /> Presenters: Kareemah Fowler, Bianca Tirado, Graham Sparks, Bob <br /> Palmer, Casey Colvin <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 18-25-Releasing Assessed Value from Douglas <br /> Road TIF Area for 2018pay2019 <br /> Committee Chair Gavin Ferlic called to order the Community Investment Committee meeting at <br /> 4:22 p.m. He introduced members of the Committee and proceeded to give the floor to the <br /> presenter. <br /> Bill No. 18-25- Releasing Assessed Value from Douglas Road TIF Area for 2018pay2019 <br /> Beth Leonard-Inks, Department of Community Investment with offices on the 14`t` floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, The resolution before you releases the assessed value for the <br /> Douglas Road TIF. The Redevelopment Commission approved this action at their last May <br /> meeting. As is required by law, we need to bring this in front of you. As you may recall, the <br /> Douglas Road TIF is just about finished. We just have one (1) small project we are still working <br /> on which is the right turn lane from State Road twenty-three(SR-23)to Douglas Road. We expect <br /> that to be finished this year. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic then opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis asked, What is the total amount? <br /> Ms. Leonard-Inks replied,I don't know exactly how much because it depends on collections. But, <br /> in 2017 when we received the money in this TIF there was $379,000 and, of course, that will be <br /> released to the other taxing jurisdictions. South Bend typically gets about forty percent (40%) of <br /> that which would be about$150,000 and the rest would go to other jurisdictions. <br /> INTEGRITY1 SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN BIANCA L.TtUDO JosEPII R Mou4AR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DmwroR OF OPERAT[oNs DEP=/Dm amp OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Blvd.I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211 f 574.235.9173 1 <br />