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•CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, I think I would like that as a concern going forward. I think that <br /> is a legitimate concern that neighbors bring to something as sort of a unique situation when you <br /> have youth and a common gathering location. We can't always count on an adult being there with <br /> them to cross the street. <br /> Larry Magliozzi, Executive Director of the Area Plan Commission with offices on the 11 th floor <br /> of the County-City Building, stated, The schedule kind of got ahead of me and I wasn't able to get <br /> on the agenda. He then passed out a piece of paper which is available in the City Clerk's Office. <br /> He continued, This is a quick fix to the Sub-division Ordinance. You folks don't really see Sub- <br /> division plats at all but for a long time, actually since 2004, there has been some disconnect <br /> between the Sub-division requirements and the new Zoning Ordinance established back then. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated,Hold on.How are we talking about this when we don't have it on the <br /> agenda? <br /> Vice Committee Chair Voorde replied, Because this isn't really up for any action tonig . This is <br /> an update so I thought it being part of an update it could be talked about. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated Technically, should be listed. But lease, o ahead. <br /> > g <br /> Y p <br /> Mr. Magliozzi continued, In 2015, the Flood Plain Ordinance was totally replaced per the <br /> requirements of FEMA. We had some old terminology in the Sub-division section of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance so I have to remove those so that there is no conflict between that section and the new <br /> Sub-division section. So all the definitions of flood plain come out. On the flip side, we have <br /> Zoning Ordinance. In 2004 we added a <br /> disconnect between the Sub-division Ordinance and the o g , <br /> new Single-Family Zoning District which was SF-2. That has a forty (40) foot requirement and <br /> that is not covered in the Sub-division section of the Ordinance. Any time there is a plat that has <br /> forty (40) foot wide lots, we have to have the Plat Committee waive the requirements. So we are <br /> taking that out because it is, again,covered by the Zoning Ordinance section. That is the same with <br /> the second (2nd) item. The third(3rd) item being the depth to width ratio,neither Public Works nor <br /> our agency has a problem with that anymore. Item number five (5) refers to Industrial and <br /> Commercial Districts. It seems like more of the retailers want to buy their footprint as opposed to <br /> being part of an overall leased property. That creates a situation where you have a lot that doesn't <br /> have frontage on improved dedicated public right of way. The Sub-division process handles that <br /> through easements and,today,they would have to go through a variance in front of the Area Board <br /> of Zoning Appeals for zero (0) lot frontage. We are just getting rid of that requirement because it <br /> was handled through another process. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated,This is the first(1St)time seeing this and I have some questions about <br /> this. <br /> Update- Potential Annexations-James Mueller, Community Investment <br /> James Mueller,Executive Director for Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, This will also tie into the next presentation (referencing a <br /> presentation available in the City Clerk's Office).Here is a broad overlook at potential annexations <br /> we are looking at that may come before you this ye . There is a bit of a timeline. We look at <br /> voluntary, where the property owner signs and files a petition. They are looking to utilize sewer <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 I p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.55671 www.southbendingov <br /> 4 <br />