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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Update-Aaron Perri-Venues,Parks & Arts <br /> Aaron Perri, Executive Director of Venues, Parks & Arts with offices at 321 E. Walter Street, <br /> stated, Thank you for the invitation, Councilmember McBride. I saw the article in the paper and <br /> was sad I missed the tour. Any time you have the next ones, please let me know. What I want to <br /> do is remind everyone of the big initiative My SB Parks & Trails. It touches each one (1) of your <br /> districts in big ways. Each district has a marquee project as well as neighborhood parks. The <br /> neighborhood parks are where we need the most help. Right now the ones that look the best are <br /> the ones that the neighborhoods actually own. We will gladly partner to help make things possible. <br /> Kelly Park is a great example of that. Freemont is another one (1) of those that the neighborhood <br /> adopted. To the point of Randolph, we do have some plans. <br /> Mr. Perri continued, will show all of the major projects that are <br /> happening. But also on our website we have all of our construction projects spelled out in a chart. <br /> This (referencing a slide in the presentation that is available in the City Clerk's Office) is how <br /> many pages it is but you can see exactly what is happening and when it is happening. We update <br /> this every other week. This is a great place to send people for information. In particular, I'm here <br /> to talk about the third (3`d) district. Ravina Park is getting underway pretty quickly. Engineering <br /> has been a great help on this project. Primarily what is happening in and around Ravina are <br /> sidewalks that are going in to improve connectivity and safety. There will be a walkway that gets <br /> you into the park and will terminate out on an overlook. There is also going to be a lot of bank <br /> stabilization work to help protect the integrity of the bank. <br /> Mr. Perri went on, As shown before,this (referencing a map in the slide of the presentation) is the <br /> Trust for Public Land Map. The dark green are parks, the light green are the areas serviced very <br /> well by parks and as we approach yellow, orange and into the red, those are the areas that aren't <br /> served very well by parks. The third (3`d) district actually has two (2) areas that are areas we are <br /> trying to tackle right away. A couple ideas we have deal with the 35th Street wetland. A resident <br /> saw this map we put out, called us and stated there was a property his son and him like to hike on <br /> and he said he was always picking up trash. He suggested to use it more as a park and trail system. <br /> It is really on the edge of the City limits but you can see how densely populated this area is with <br /> no park. So we are zeroing in on that area a little more closely to hopefully acquire some property <br /> and formalize a trail system around it. It is a retention basin and is already formalized as a wetland <br /> by the Army Corps of Engineers. So we can't do a lot in the middle of the area but could look at <br /> what we can do on the outside. We are at the property acquisition phase of this plan and that is the <br /> first step. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde asked, Have you ever approached Walnut Grove? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, Walnut Grove hasn't been real amenable to sharing their park in terms of a <br /> formalized shared use agreement. We would certainly entertain that if they would allow us to do <br /> that but to date they haven't been real excited about that prospect. <br /> Committeemember Mazurkiewicz stated, It was also brought up in the bus trip the area directly <br /> across from Nuner. Who owns that area? I know it was also discussed as a possible plot for the <br /> fire station. <br /> Mr. Perri replied, I'm not sure but I will keep that in my notes. I'll get you the answer to that. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 l f574.235.9173I TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />