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Community and Economic Development Committee <br />August 13, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Nanette Tepe made the formal presentation. She noted that the Colfax Place <br />Apartments project would create new residential and commercial uses in the central <br />business district in downtown South Bend. They will be investing $4,100,000 into the <br />project. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Kelly, Ms. Tepe noted that they have <br />had 4 of 12 units addressed in pre-sales. She noted that they units begin at 1,500 <br />square feet. They range in price from $259,000 to $850,000 for the penthouse, with a <br />buyer being on board far the penthouse, <br />Council Member Pfeifer encouraged the petitioner to have mixed socio-economic <br />groups in their development, noting that this would be consistent with the new urbanism <br />concept. <br />Ms. Tepe added that the 2nd floor would be ADA accessible, and that they are <br />aggressively marketing this project both in-town and out-of-town. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Puzzello, Mr. Schalliol stated that this is <br />a complete re-use of the building which qualifies for tax abatement. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Kelly and a concern about the viability <br />of the project, it was noted by the Petitioner that the project has been on the market for <br />almost a year. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Kirsits, Ms. Tepe noted that the entire <br />building will be sprinkled. <br />Council Member Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Council Member Dieter that Bill <br />No. 07-95 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Bill No. 07-96: 5-Year Personal Property Tax Abatement for 2522 Tucker Drive: <br />Bill No. 07-97. 5-Year Personal Property Tax Abatement for 1400 W. Riverside ©r.; <br />Bill No, 07-98: 5-Year Personal Property Tax Abatement for 1217 & 1215 S. <br />Walnut: <br />Council Member Dieter called far a report on the three E8) 5-year personas property tax <br />abatement requests requested by Steel Warehouse Company LLC for their properties <br />located at 2922 Tucker Drive, 1400 W. Riverside Drive, and 1217 & 1215 S. Walnut. <br />